Like a Ghost in the Snow

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I’m sitting alone staring out the window. I’m leaning my head against the glass – feeling the cold radiating through it. It seems the cold of the glass is keeping my tears at bay. I’m not able to cry. I can’t cry anymore. All I can do is just stare. All I do is just breathe. I can’t do anything else. Everything else seems pointless. How can I even breathe? What do I have to breathe for? What breath is worth breathing when you’re not here to witness it?
You used to be here. You were here. You were with me. You made me breathe. You made me live. And now – now you’re making me die.
I never got to tell you how I truly felt. I never got to show you just how much you mean to me. ‘Cause you meant so much. You still do. I still love you. I always will. I will always love you, and I will always miss you.
And you’ll never know that. Wherever you are, you’ll never know how much I’ve always loved you.
When we first met, I was too shy. As we slowly became friends, I didn’t have the guts. When we became close friends, I was too nervous. When we became best friends, I was too scared.
I was always afraid of losing you. I still am. I’m afraid to lose you more than I already have.
If I only had one more day. Just one more day with you. One more day to tell you everything I felt. To show you how I felt. How much I loved you. And how I will love you forever.

The window is fogging up – my breath forming white spots on the glass. Why am I still breathing? How can I still be breathing without you?
You’re not here.
You’re not breathing.
You’re gone.
You’re never coming back.

A snowflake suddenly lands on the glass. I stare at it as it melts. Its fragile, yet perfect, figure slowly disappearing. And why? Because of my heat. Because of me.

I will always see you. I will see you every time I close my eyes. I will see you in each snowflake that falls. I will always see you. Like a ghost in the snow, I will always love you.

I get up from my place on the windowsill. As the snow falls down softly outside – covering all the world with innocence – I peel off my black clothing and curl up under the sheets of my bed. I lie on my back. I lie like you did. Like you do now. My arms on my chest – my hands folded over my heart. Or where my heart used to be.

I love you.