Further details of my poems

Memories & / Future Hopes

This poem can be found at:

First of all. "Memories &" and "Future Hopes" should be on seperate lines to show that they are two seperate things and that Memories come before hopes for the future.

First of all the first verse is literal. Me and a girl (I'm NOT going in depth about her 'cause she'll probably be reading this and I don't wan't her feeling guilty or anything for MY feelings) spent HOURS up really late talking on the phone about all the cartoons we used to watch and we sang some of their theme tunes at eachother down the phone.
The line "So very happy that I could rejoice" is not only about while we were talking but about now because this phone call we had that night is one of my happiest memories and, right now at least, I can't think of any memories that top it.

The second verse is seperated from the first for THREE reasons:
1)It is a change in tone. The poem's gone from happy to sad.
2)It is a change in time. Verse One and Verse Two are two very seperate occasions.
3)The poem is no longer literal.

As stated above Verse Two is not literal it is metaphorical. Verse Two is about my feelings after she said "no" when I asked her out, it's not about her shooting me through the heart. If that happened I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be around now writing about it :S
I chose the comparison to a poisoned dart because a poison dart can often poison the entirety of the human anatomy in a matter of seconds (In fact sniper bullets are poison tipped and can kill you if you're shot somewhere obscure like a finger :P).
"The mess" refers to both the mess of people I'd have to beat to be with her and the mess that life often is with relationships, friendships etcetera and how I'd like to beat BOTH those messes so I can be with her.
The last line IS literal.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poem can be found here: