So Bring on the Rain, and Listen to the Thunder

I Need To Step Outside

Six and a half months later, Martin and I broke up again. Things just weren’t all they were made up to be once again. He tried so hard to make things right. I tried too. We both fought, but the fight got the best of us. Both of us ended up exhausted and screaming at each other night after night. Things just weren’t working out.

So now that brings me here, to my current life. Four months being Martin free. He was easier to get over than I had thought.

Or at least I thought I was over him…………

“How are you today?” I said with an overly cheery voice as I swiped this woman’s items over the scanner and sent them down to Matty who bagged them.

“Good, you?” She said pulling out her credit card.
“Good, thanks,” I smiled, “That’ll be twenty-two seventy-three.”

She ran her card through the machine, I pressed the accept button and handed her her receipt, Matty asked if she needed help, she said no, and that was the daily routine. Alex had gone off on tour again, meaning I had to find something to do, other than text him all day long.

I took up a job at the small grocery store in town. I made friends quickly, well okay. My only friend here is Matty. He’s really cute and I’d date him, except he’s gay. Other than that, we’re like best friends.

A tall guy with dark hair sticking out every which was walked up to the register, throwing a case of water, a loaf of bread, and a few candy bars on the conveyor belt.

“Hello,” I greeted warmly.
“Hey,” he said looking down at the ground. That’s when I smelled it. Him.

I sent the last item down to Matty and looked up at mystery guy, “Credit or Debt?”

“Credit,” He said quietly and handed me his card.
“Can I see your ID please?”

He shuffled around in his wallet and pulled out his ID card, handing that to me as well.

Holy Shit.

I felt my heart beat quicken and my breath grow short.

“Thanks,” I said pushing the card back towards him. He walked down to Matty and grabbed his items, walking out of the store.

I leaned against the small back wall of the register and tried to process what just happened.

“You okay Jasey?” Matty asked, standing right by my side.

“Y-Yeah,” I stuttered, pressing the back of my hand to my forehead.
“You don’t look okay,” He said sounding more concerned.

“I’m fine,” I said looking right at Matty, “Really.”


“This is all you got?” Paul said sounding disappointed, “We drove so far out of our way just so you could get water and bread!?”

“Calm the fuck down dude,” I said slouching down on the couch.

“We just lost an hour of meeting fans!” He complained some more.

“Paulie,” I groaned and looked at him with an angry face, “Not now.”

His face went blank. He knew.

“Was it her?”

“Yeah,” I sighed and mentally cursed myself for not talking to her more.

“And all you bought was water and bread,” He said over dramatically.

“Yeah,” I sighed and put my head in my hands.
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it's been forever. im really truly sorry! :D