So Bring on the Rain, and Listen to the Thunder

Gotta Find A Way Out

Jasey?” Alex questioned, standing in front of me. I wiped my eyes and looked up at him.

“What happened?” He asked helping me stand up.
“I fell in love, got my heart broken,” I sighed, “It’s the same old story Alex.”
“Jasey,” He said pulling on my arm, “You didn’t hear what he said afterwards, did you?”
“N-No?” I said shaking my head.
“Nothing,” He said and walked me to the bus.

“Why are we going to your bus, I don’t want to tour and be your merch girl!” I complained.
“You aren’t going to be our merch girl, but you do need a break from the house, so come with us for a little while, and if you don’t like it, we’ll take you back home,” Alex said opening the door for us.

“FUCKING AYE!!!” Jack shouted as soon as we walked on to the bus.
“Alex, I don’t even have any of my stuff!” I argued.
“We packed your bags,” He said. I gave him a look that he knew oh too well.

“Don’t worry, we brought your favorite thongs, and your whole closet,” He smiled and disappeared to the back of the bus.

“Fucker,” I mumbled under my breath and sat down on the couch.

Rian walked on to the bus, bag of gummi bears in hand.

“Jasey?” He said surprised.
“That’s me,” I huffed.
“So Alex dragged you to the bus,” He said sitting down next to me.
“Yeah, he did.”
“What’s wrong?” He asked. That’s what I loved about Rian; he knew when something was wrong. I could also tell him what was actually wrong instead of lying because I knew he wouldn’t tell anyone else.

“Martin,” I mumbled.
“I thought you guys broke up,” He said shoving a few bears in his mouth.
“We did.”
“But he played a song for me tonight, and I started crying, and wishing we didn’t break up because,” I paused, “I still have feelings for him.”

“Well maybe he has feelings for you,” Rian proposed.
“He’s probably over me,” I sighed, “Way over me.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Rian smiled. Something was up here.
“And why would that be?”
“I don’t know, you’ll have to wait and see,” He said getting up and walking away.

I decided it was bed time, and walked back to the bunks, only to find mine right next to Alex’s, which was next to Jack’s. Oh this was going to be a fun bus ride.