So Bring on the Rain, and Listen to the Thunder

I Tried To Look In Your Eyes

“Come on Jasey, you gotta come play games with us tonight!” Jack cooed.
“I don’t really feel up to it Jack-o,” I said flipping through the channels on the tv.
“Please?” he said with the puppy dog face. I looked at him and knew I couldn’t say no now.
“Okayyy,” I sighed and got up off the bed.

“Yay!” He said grabbing my hand and dragging me into his room.
“Can’t I change first!?” I shouted, he wouldn’t let me change though.

Apparently, I was being roped into something I would later regret.

“SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!!” Alex yelled as our next game to play. I rolled my eyes at this choice.

“Too bad, you have no choice!” Alex said making fun of me. I looked around the room and weighed my options with everyone there. At least it wouldn’t be that bad.

“Oh and Jasey,” Alex said looking at me with a smirk plastered on his face, “You’re first.”

I was shoved into a closet, and told to turn around. A little while later, someone else was pushed in as well. I stayed against the back wall, not moving much. He on the other hand, did move closer.

“Hi,” He whispered. Fuck.
“Why did they pick you?” I complained.
“Because maybe this was the only way I could actually talk to you,” he explained.
“I don’t want to talk.”
“Jasey,” He tried.
“No, Martin,” I said folding my arms over my chest, “You pretty much broke my heart last summer! I am not ---“

I was cut off by his lips being pressed up against mine. Our lips parted and I took in a deep breath. I have to admit, I did miss him……… a lot.

“I’m sorry,” He whispered. Even in the darkness, I could see the fire in his eyes. That same desire and want that they held when we were together that night and watched the fireworks.

“This doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about what happened,” I warned.
“I figured you wouldn’t,” He said looking anywhere but at me.
“But Martin,” I said and he looked up at me, “I did miss you.”

A smile grew on his face, and he cupped my face in his hands, kissing me once more.

“I missed you too,” He said.

“Can I show you something?” He asked.
“Sure,” I smiled.

“TIME’S UP!!!!” Jack said swinging the door open.

“Alright, your turn Alex,” I said as he walked over to Jack. Martin snaked his arm around my waist as we walked out.

“It worked,” I heard Alex whisper to Jack as we left