So Bring on the Rain, and Listen to the Thunder

I'm Walking On A Tightrope

Martin brought me over into his room, kicking the door shut behind us. He laid me down on the bed and hovered over me, staring at me with those eyes. He leaned down and kissed me, on the lips, and hard. Slowly I found myself letting my arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer, but then his hands started slowly sliding up my shirt.

“Martin,” I breathed heavily, pulling away from him.
“Hmmm?” He asked kissing my neck.
“We…You…I…” I struggled to get out, “We can’t do this.”

He stopped and looked at me with a curiously interested face, “Why not?”
“Because I’m not a whore,” I said dryly.
“I never said you were.”
“And if you’re going to attempt to walk back into my life, you can leave like you did before.”
“I never left,” He said trying to stay calm.
“You did, and you took every piece of my heart with you,” I said on the verge of tears.
“Jasey,” He sighed. Damn tears, why couldn’t you have waited?!

“Jasey,” He said again, crawling on the bed behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, “You were more than just a girl to me.”

“Then why’d you leave?” I asked with wet cheeks.
He stayed silent for a minute, “I was scared.”
“Of what?”
“Falling too hard for you,” He said as if it were something to be ashamed of. He shifted his weight around on the bed so we were now laying down and I was on top of him.

“I’m not the one to go out with a girl and tell her four months later that I love her. I fall heels over head way too easily and when that happens, I get scared and I run away. I don’t mean to hurt anyone, but I guess that never works out.”

“No,” I mumbled. He sighed and watched as the moonlight came through the window and made her eyes sparkle. To him, she looked perfect and he regretted ever letting her go. For all he knew, she probably had another boyfriend already.

He hesitated but asked the question anyway, “Did you stay to watch us play?”
“Yeah,” I said.
“The whole thing?”
“All up until the last chorus of the last song,” I said quietly.
“Well what if I said something that I meant?”
“Like?” I yawned. He looked over at me with sympathetic eyes. He knew I was tired.
“Do you want to stay here tonight?” He asked, obviously avoiding his question before.
“I probably should go sleep in my room,” I said and he looked sad, “But,” His eyes lit up, “I guess I can stay here tonight,” I smiled and he kissed me quickly before getting up off the bed.

He gave me a pair of clothes to change into, but I insisted on just going to my room to change, but he wouldn’t let me. So I gave in and put on the t-shirt and the pair of shorts he had.

“This won’t be awkward, right?” I asked crawling into bed next to him.
“Nope,” He said with a faint smile on his face.

I pecked his cheek before pulling the covers up over my body, “Night.”

“Night,” he said laying next to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I was just beginning to fall asleep when I heard him say something. I smiled to myself because I knew what he said.
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slowly getting ideas for this story again,
its just gonna be one of those things where if i have an idea i'll write
if i don't then well. i'm sorry :[