So Bring on the Rain, and Listen to the Thunder

Strike Me Down With Lightning

“Well this isn’t weird,” I said as I woke up to Martin watching me.
“Good morning,” He said leaning down to kiss me.

“JASEY!!!!” Jack shouted flinging the door open.
“Right here Jack-o,” I laughed.
“Alex is missing you. He said we have to go back on the bus,” Jack said standing at the foot of the bed.

“Well tell Alex to go suck a dick,” I grinned.
“You should go,” Martin sighed.
“But I don’t wanna!” I whined.
“I’ll see you at the next show,” He said hugging me. I got up out of the bed, grabbing my clothes that were tossed on a chair and walked back into my room.

“So,” Jack said as we walked back into my room so I could change.
“So,” I repeated in the same tone.
“What’d you and Martin do last night?” He asked raising his eye brows.
“We didn’t do what you’re thinking of,” I said throwing my ipod and phone into my bag.
“Oh come on! We made you guys play seven minutes in heaven! I wanted to go in there with you but fucking Alex wouldn’t let me!” Jack complained.

“Awww does Jacky-poo wanna make out with the hot girl named Jasey Elizabeth?” I smiled devilishly.

“Maybe,” He said blushing a little bit.
“Well,” I said sitting on his lap, “Maybe you’ll get the wish granted some other day.”
“But even Rian has kissed you!” He whined, putting his arms around my waist.
“That was in like sixth grade!” I argued, “And it was spin the bottle Damnit!”
“Still,” He pouted.
“Fine, you know what!” I said and just quickly kissed him, with no meaning or anything. And definitely NO TOUNGE.
“Whoo! I gots a kiss from Jay-say!” He practically leapt off the bed.

“You kissed Jack?” Zack said appearing from one of the rooms.
“He was whining and I needed to shut him up,” I huffed and carried my bag that Jack was supposed to do for me but he was too busy parading up and down the hallways. I do have to admit, I kinda always did like Jack for some reason. He was like the crazy hyper boyfriend I never had.

We were cornered in an elevator, me, Zack and Jack. Jack stood really close to me and Zack just tried not to look at us.

“Would you sleep with me?” Jack asked as soon as we passed the 2nd floor.
“What!?” I screamed.
“Would…. You…. Sleep…. With…. Me!” He said like I was retarded.
“I don’t even have to think about that Jack! No!”
“Aww,” He pouted.
“Just because you made that face doesn’t mean you’ll get it,” I warned.

“Jack, just stop trying already, she’s in love with Martin,” Zack said annoyed.
“Bitchy this mornin, ain’t we?” Jack said in some really horrible British accent.

The door opened to the lobby and guess who was standing right there.

Yes. Alex and Martin.
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gotta love Jack there.
he's pretty much the coolest dork i've met that ever made it famous.