Heaven Is A Place For Angels

The story about the girl.

Angela tried to calm down from the shock, but it wasn't easy. There you had it. Billie Joe Armstrong was her God, and now he was sitting right beside her on the couch with her father on the other side.

"You want something to drink, honey?" her father said.

"Uh-huh." she mumbled, only to find out that now she was alone in the room with HIM.

"So, why are you here?" she whispered. She didn't have that much control over her voice.

"Huh?" he asked, and put a hand on her shoulder. She wanted to pull back, but she couldn't do that.

"I said; why are you here, in this house?" she said once again.

"Oh, some Adeline Street stuff. Adie's taking care of it right now. I'm just having a break" he said and put his hands behind his head.

"What does Adeline have to do with Spain and this family then?"

"You shouldn't know everything, ya know. That's a secret." he said and put his finger on her nose quickly and pulled it back again. "But if you have to know, it's some kind of cooperation. There, I said it. My mouth is closed."

"Okay, okay." she said and sighed. "I won't ask about it anymore."

Her father came back with a glass of water, and gave it to her.

"I bet you told them about everything that happened, father."

"No, but I said that there'd been some kind of a weird accident, and they should not be worried." he said and smiled proudly.

"Gees, thanks." she said and rolled her eyes.

"Well, then they won't be worried." Billie Joe said.

"No shit, Sherlock." Angela said with a grin.

"Angela!" her father snapped and looked at her and tried to do the "evil eye".

"Sorry." she said and tried to make herself small.

"You know what? Let's go back to the others now. I bet there's someone you want to meet." the dark haired man said.

"Oh, nononononono, I don't think so. I'll only make a fool out of myself again." Angela said and put her head in her hands.

"Now, be calm. She won't bite you, or, may... never mind." he said and smiled.

"Yeah, we should probably go back now" her father said. Billie Joe stood up.

Angela tried as well. She managed. She stretched her back and then just stood there.

"Come on, we don't have all day." Stephen said.

"But... " Angela started.

"No fucking buts' here." Billie Joe said and started to push her down the corridor. She didn't make any resistance. As they walked through a room she saw something that she hadn't seen before; a piano, great. Her week was saved. Well, not really.

"How long are you gonna be in Spain?" Angela asked in an innocent tone.

"'Bout a week, I suppose, they're going to work with that shit for whole seven days." Billie Joe sighed.

"They? What are you going to do then?" Angela asked.

"Hang around, nah, I might stick in some opinions." he answered.

"Oh." she said, and then intended to be quiet.

Billie Joe continued to push Angela towards the kitchen, and Stephen walked behind like nothing happened. Like his daughter hadn't met her God, and that he wasn't pushing her through the corridor. There the living-room was. Angela tried to gasp for air again, she felt like she couldn't get any.

"For fuck's sake, take it easy, woman." he said and roller his eyes.

"Easy for you to say, you've only been married to her for like 12 years"

"Don't you think that she can still make my heart beat when I walk into the same room as her, even after 12 years of marriage?"

"Well... I... " she said, but couldn't make the words come out.

"Didn't think so." he said in that ton of "I won".

They walked into that room, and it might have looked kind of strange that Billie Joe was pushing a 15-year old girl. Theo's mother looked up immediately, and gazed on Angela.

"Ah, ángel... " she said and started to speak fast in Spanish.

"She lost me there." Billie Joe whispered in Angela's ear.

"Me too." Angela mumbled back.

"There you are, babe" Angela heard, and looked at the woman who had started to talk. She was so beautiful, but she didn't look up from the things she was doing. "We were just talking 'bout something, will you give me your opinion?"

"Here it comes." Billie Joe said in a low voice, so that only Angela could hear it. "Sure thing" he said to his wife. He walked over and looked on something and then nodded his head and talked in a low voice to her. Angela didn't bother to eavesdrop, she just stirred. They talked and the woman turned to Theo's mother and talked to her in Spanish [Author-note: IRL Adrienne might not speak Spanish but in this story she sure damn does.] For a couple of minutes no one noticed her. She just stood there. She began to sing to herself.

"Are you feeling like a social tool without a use? Hell yeah." she mumbled. She wondered if she could sneak out. She might reach to the piano. She took one step towards the door. No, no one paid attention to her. One and two and three and four and five steps, she was in the corridor. She walked as fast as she could to the room they'd passed. There is was, and she hoped to God that it was tuned. She sat, pressed down a chord and sighed in relief, it was. All the thoughts whirled through her head. She just wanted it to stop. As she started to play she began to sing, she didn't care if someone heard her.

"Another nobody tries to break into the world.
Will you let her? She only wants to be heard.
Time flies by, and soon it'll be too late.
She tries to catch the dove that will lead her to her fate.
A broken flower on the ground, does that symbolize her fall?
Or will she stand high and brave, to glow and shine before you all.

Eyes that don't see.
Voice that don't sound.
Who will take heed for me?
To another life I'm bound,
in faith and misery.
In faith and misery.

The same girl walks down in the middle of the road.
This is it, her time to show;
even a broken flower can make it.
Let's tear down this wall, and break it.
This is it, her story is told.
Did she ever get married, when she got old?"

She stopped, and felt a tear run down her face. Nah, she couldn't imagine how the girl's life was like. She wasn't a bit like her, she thought. But she couldn't do anything but adore her.

"You know, that's kind of fucking great. Who wrote that?" she heard a voice say behind her. She didn't bother to turn around. She just wanted him to go away, and she couldn't figure out why. All she really wanted was him to listen to her, but now, when he actually could, she didn't want to open herself.

"You?" the man said, and she just nodded. "Why did you leave?" he asked.

"Didn't feel that well." she mumbled.

"Nah, you look kind of pale."

"I'm okay, now just leave, will you." she demanded.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Of course I know I'm not okay, I just don't want you to care, well, actually I do, but I can't put that on you. I don't even know you, it's just that... " she said very quickly and then was out of words.

"You want me to leave?" he said and sighed.

"Yes... NO... ye... no... .YES... I don't know." he said like she was arguing with herself. She didn't even notice it, she just started.

"Do you have the time... to listen to me whine, about nothing and everything all at once?" she sang, and then burst into tears. Billie tipped his head to the side and looked at her. He knew she was confused, and he couldn't do anything but care. He started to walk closer.

"Scream at me, until my ears bleed. I'm taking heed just for you" he sang to her, and she suddenly stopped and wiped away her tears.

"You know, that's my favourite song." she said.

"It is?"

"Yeah, some of my friends call me "She". I listen to it a lot when I feel depressed, or worthless. It's something 'bout it that makes my day" she said and wiped away another tear, while she tried to smile, but what would it change? He couldn't see her face. Then she noticed that he wasn't standing in doorway, he was right behind her.

"Having a break, are we?" she said.

"Kind of." he answered and put a hand on her shoulder. "You know what? I want you to talk to Adie."

"Why? She must have loads of things to do with that shit." Angela said and snapped her shoulders.

"Not really. We don't even need to be here for seven days. We just want to get some fucking spare-time in Spain. She's got the time. Promise."

"She wouldn't understand." she said quietly.

"Would you stop being so fucking childish? She will understand." he said in a fixed tone.

"Whatever, just leave." she mumbled.

"Fine" he said and went back.

Angela didn't feel like playing the piano anymore. There was a couch in the room, and she went from the piano and sat down on the purple fabric with her head in her hands. She just wanted to cry. She never could explain why she got these attacks of sadness. She wasn't even sure if it had anything to do with her meeting the one person she adored. She didn't notice when the woman came and sat down beside her, or well, she did, but she didn't want to.

"Why do you guys have to be so god damn wonderful?" she said in a low voice.

"Should I take that as a compliment or an insult?" the woman asked.

"Compliment, of course." Angela said. She didn't dare to look the woman in the eye.

"Do you have something on your mind, sweetie?"

"Of course I have. I'm 15. The only thing I have now is things on my mind." she said and held her head.

"Do you want to let go of any of those things?"

"Yeah." she said lightly and looked up, having eye-contact with the woman for the first time. Those eyes were so beautiful; dark-brown that goes through your entire body. She had put her dreads in a pony-tail. She was gorgeous. Angela just started talking. She just talked, and talked, and Adrienne listened, she really did.

"... and, that's it." Angela finished. Adie nodded.

"You feel better now?"

"Hell yes." Angela said and sighed. Adrienne turned her head toward the doorway and saw her husband peek around the doorway.

"Has she calmed down?" he said like she was some kind of dangerous animal.

"Duh" Angela responded.

"I'll take that as a yes." Billie Joe said, and then ran toward the couch and jumped onto Adrienne's lap, and she whined and told him to get off.

"And you said that I was childish!" Angela said with her mouth open.

"Shut up." he said and gave Adrienne a passionate kiss on her lips. Angela just looked at them like they were two teenagers.

"Hey, I'm still here, remember?" she said and rolled her eyes. They stopped.

"Ehm, hun, we'll save this for the hotel-room." Billie Joe said and cleared his throat and Adie agreed with him.

"Well, then I know, you guys." Angela said.

"I'm only curious, but why did you act like that when I first met you?" Billie Joe said and looked at her with those green innocent eyes.

"I... maybe... I just didn't want to come across like a teenie. I mean, you mean loads to me, your lyrics have helped me in so many ways, and I've always wanted to tell you that for such a long time, and when I suddenly got the chance, I blew it." Angela sighed.

"Nah, it's okay. I didn't think that about you either. Your dad gave me quite a good picture of you" Billie Joe said.

"What did he say? What did he say?" Angela said while eyes grew bigger.

"He said that... you're a smart girl, and you're very artistic, aesthetic y'know, and love to write, sing and everything that has something to do with music. And of course that you are a great Green Day-fan" he said and looked proud.

"He's such a liar." Angela said and sighed. "And you are too!"

"Me? What the fuck have I done?" he said and looked frightened.

"Tell me... where's Ronnie Blake really from."

"Oh, ehm... Madrid, Spain?" he said with insecurity.

"Shut up." Angela said while she laughed.

"Dude." he sighed. Adrienne had just sat there and looked at the two of them with amusement.

"HEY! That's my word." someone said and the three of them looked back and found Andrew standing there in the doorway.

"Yeah? Then prove it." Billie Joe snapped.

"Well... ehm... I... .DUDE" Andrew said with difficulty.

"He's abusing the word." Angela whispered.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"I assume that you two are siblings." Adie interrupted.

"Don't tell me about it" Andrew said.

"Kind of" Angela said and rolled her eyes.

"Well, whoptido" Andrew let out of his mouth

"Weird family this is, I must say" Billie Joe said while he played with one of Adrienne's dreads.

"Can you never shut up?" Angela said loudly.

"No, I can never shut up for fuck's sake. I will just keep talking even if you like it or not. So why don't you shut up!" he said back in a solemn tone. And then Angela realized something.

"I'm telling you to shut up. I just opened my mouth and out it came." she said.

"Fuck yes you are." Billie Joe mumbled. "And that sounded a lot like me."

"I know, but you don't understand. I'm telling Billie Joe Fucking Armstrong to shut up. Never thought I would ever do that."

"Well, you gonna have to remember that he's also a human, just like you." Adrienne said calmly.

Angela almost felt ashamed. "Sorry" she whispered.

"It's not such a big deal, you know, I've had much worse. People are always acting like they know you, when they really don't. Sometimes it's fun, but sometimes it's just too fucking much." Billie Joe sighed.

"Shit" Angela said. "I thought it could be like that, but now I really know."

"Good for you then." Billie Joe said. "I think we should be going soon. But first... I want you, little lay, to sing me a song."

"Wha..?" she said under her breath.

"You heard me, and I heard you. I forbid you to say no, now, to the piano." he said and pointed at the piano."

"But... "

"What did I say? No fucking buts' here."

"Okay, fine! Come on then." she said and dragged him with her. She sat down on the chair in front of the piano and he sat down on a chair beside. She thought for a moment.

"You're gonna like this one." she said and smiled.