A Whisper Can Bring Down An Entire Person

Everyone Deserves Friends

Have I ever mentioned I hate walking home from school? Well even if I haven’t now I have, everyone goes different ways and leaves me alone. Dylan normally accompanies me home but on a day like today, no-one wants to go out of their way to walk with me, not when it’s this hot.

When I got home mum was in the kitchen like she always is, see mum doesn’t work so she cooks to pass the time, she recons that day time T.V is crappy and that there is nothing to watch.
“Hey mum” I smiled at her kissing her on the cheek.
“Hey honey how was school?” she asked, this was a normal question when I got home. It’s probably an everyday question in most families.
“Eh okay I guess, wanted to hit a couple of people” I scrunched up my nose and frowned at her.
“Okay, do you have any home work?” she asked me walking over the pantry grabbing out chocolate and handing it to me.
“Yeah, I have to read for a while,” I chewed on my cheek.
“Okay” I grabbed the book ‘A Company Of Fools’ out of my bag and went upstairs to my room, I could hear the twins, Jaymz and Benjamin fighting in their room over who was playing Xbox next as I walked past.

After about an hour or reading my phone went off, I looked at the caller I.D ‘Mickey’ I laughed and picked up the phone.
“HEY” came Mick’s loud response.
“What’s up?” I asked putting my book mark in the book and laying it down on my bed.
“I saw you with April Williams today what were you doing, are you trying to lose all your friends?” She asked honestly
“That isn’t answering my question, but no, she was telling me that sir wanted me in class. Besides everyone deserves friends Mickey” I reacted, protecting her.
“But she doesn’t have any; you have almost all the school. I don’t want you loosing all those friends for one person, I mean, I’d love you as my sister no matter what but everyone else would just go. ‘Look at Arizona, hanging out with losers’ and walk off.” She explained impersonating people as she talked.
“And I don’t care what they think they can all get over it, besides it isn’t like I’m going to ditch you guys for her. I’ve known you way longer” I explained
“Okay, anyway I have to go, my mum is calling me because dinner is ready” Mickey said
“See you.”
“Kiss and hugs” she laughed and hung up. I found my self pacing around my room after I chucked my phone on the bed.

I fell back onto my bed and frowned, why was everyone so mean? I lay down for a while before getting up and walking over to the computer and logging into MSN, mum knocked on my door and opened it,
“Honey dinner is ready, go wash your hands and come downstairs.” She told me with a smile on her face as always.

I walked into the bathroom and started washing my hands. Just before I was finished the twins ran in and pushed me out of the way of the sink.
“Let me wash first I’m starving!” Benjamin yelled at mark.
“No let me I love pasta more then you do!” James yelled back.
“Ugh, why don’t one of you wash your hands in the bathroom downstairs.” I suggested.
“No, we don’t want to” both of them said in unison. I rolled my eyes at them and walked down stairs to eat, mum was sitting at the table patently waiting for us to come down and eat. I sat at the table and waited for Ben and James to walk down.

“Mum have you heard anything from dad?” I asked, see dad is fighting in the war, we haven’t gotten any letters in a while. She looked at me and shook her head,
“The last we heard of him was when he wrote about how he saw his best friend get shot. He was devastated” she smiled weakly at me. I knew she wanted to cry, “Now no more on the subject you’re going to end up saying something in front of the boys and they’ll get upset.” The boys ran down and started eating almost as soon as there bottoms touched the chairs.

Mum laughed at the two of them and began to eat.
I wonder when our next letter for dad will come.
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okay second chapter, i like it so far, i don't know how it's going in your point of view, but I'd love to know what you think...

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