A Whisper Can Bring Down An Entire Person

I'm Forever Yours

“Morning” a sleepy voice said from behind me. I jumped scared. I was still thinking I was home alone.
“Morning sleepy” I smiled, April’s black hair stood up everywhere. It looked good. Kind of made me think how hot she’d look with sex hair. I shook the though. “Do you want breakfast?” I asked frying an egg.
“Can I have whatever smells good?” she asked starching, taking her top up with her.
“Sure” I smiled serving the egg up and cracking another two for myself. April grabbed the plate and went over to the kitchen table. She started eating she rubbed her tummy and licked her lips, almost like it was a ritual or something.
YUM eggs.

I served my breakfast and then went and joined April at the take. “How was your sleep?” I asked her taking a bit of the food.
“Good, but I feel guilty for taking your bed, can’t you at least sleep in the bed with me or something I don’t want to take your bed from you Arizona” she whined. I shook my head; there was no way I was sleeping in that same bed as her. No way in hell. I mean does she want me to open up and tell her I’m gay or something?
There was a sudden knock at the door. I got up and walked over to the door. My breakfast was almost finished and by the time I got back it would probably be gone. When I opened the door I revealed and corporal, someone that works for the army.“Are you Lieutenant William’s daughter?” he asked. He looked serious, like he had a job to do and he wasn’t going to smile for no one. I didn’t really understand why he was here.

“Yes that’s me; can I ask why you are here?” I asked politely. April walked up behind me.
“I’m here to see your mother it is important.” He said firmly.
“My mother isn’t here at the moment, so you can talk to me.” I answered; April hugged me, like she knew what was coming. She hugged me tightly. Her arms around me gave me a tingling sensation.
“I’m sorry to say but your father was shot, wounded badly. There was nothing we could do to possibly save his life.”
“No your lying.” I started crying. The officer nest to him handed April my fathers’ uniform. I was shaking violently.
“Thank you for informing us of this tragic event, but I must shut the door now. Arizona needs space. Thank you again.” April said moving me backward and closing the door.
“No, no… no he can’t leave me like this he was one of my best friends.” I cried,
“He loved you” April cooed.
“If he loved me she wouldn’t have gone to that stupid war!” I yelled at her.
“He went for his country to make the world a better place for you.” She told me, she seemed pretty calm about me yelling at her.

After I calmed down a little I got on my knees and crawled over to April and hugged her. She hugged me back.
“I’m sorry for yelling.” I apologized; I didn’t want her to hate me. I wanted to get to know her.
“It’s okay Ari, your dad died, I knew you were going to react like that, I’ve been through it before. Lost my best friend because of it, I thought I’d just let you calm down for a while.” She rested her cheek on the top of my head. “Maybe you should call you mum, tell her what has happened” April suggested.
“Yeah maybe. But then she’ll want to come home and baby me.” I frowned.
“No tell her it will be best if the boys stay away for a while, let her clear her head.” April suggested. I nodded,
“Okay I’ll ring her, just give me tonight. I’ll ring her tomorrow.” I told April, I didn’t want to talk to my mum today, not today.

“Come on lets get you something to eat and something to drink. Keep your fluids up.” April pulled me to my feet and dragged me into the kitchen; she poured me a glass of orange juice and then made me a sandwich. “Here eat up, I don’t usually make food for anyone so you should feel privileged.” She laughed.
“Aww I love you” I laughed back. She blushed.
“No you don’t. I mean I’m a ‘loner’ and that’s the way I like it Arizona Williams.” She said walking into my lounge room. She’s pushing me away. But I want to get to know her, why does she have to push me away? I’m only being nice. And I do love her. Not that she knows that. “I want to be your friend though.” She yelled. It almost sounded as is she was upset.
“I want to be yours too.” I whispered to myself taking a bite of the sandwich April had made.

I walked into the lounge. April was crying, her face in her hands and her hands soaking wet.
“I do want to be your Friend April.” I told her wrapping my arms around her.
“Even if you wanted to, those girls control you. They tell you who they want you to hang with; they tell you how they want you to look. Almost like you’re a marionette, controlled by everyone around you.” She told me through her tears.
“I dress how I, want to dress, I am friends with who I, want to be friends with. And I want to be friends with you. More then anything. My dads just died and I am still trying to impress you.” I explained. She through herself at me. Hugging me tightly,
“Please don’t be lying” she said almost to herself.
“I’m not” I answered.
“I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to myself.” She frowned. I laughed and hugged her back.
“I’m still not lying.” I smiled.