A Whisper Can Bring Down An Entire Person

Diary Entries

Mum reacted like I thought she would. Badly. But she agreed to stay in Queensland. I was still pretty cut up about it. Locked my self away in my room for three days, I would have starved to death if it wasn’t for April, she brought up the most random things, waffles, pancakes and even tacos. I really appreciate it. Today is the first day I’ve walked out of my room since Tuesday. April pried me out of the room with chocolate.

“You’re mean.” I frowned folding my arms over my chest.
“No just thoughtful” she smiled.
“I was comfortable in there.”
“You were becoming a bed potato.” She explained
“I thought it was couch potato?” I laughed.
“Well you weren’t on a couch now were you… no you were on the bed.” April smiled at the thought of her creating a new fraise.
“Well why in the world did you bring me out here?” I asked
“A) So you can have a shower B) I want to take you to my house for a couple of hours.” She announced. I groaned and walked to the bathroom. Had a shower, and got dressed. April had made me breakfast and practically hand fed me while I was trying to put pants on. Yes she’d walked and I was only half dressed, she didn’t really seem to care. But I did, a girl needs some privacy sometimes. Within the next half an hour we were out the door and on the way to April’s house.

April walked straight inside.
“Mum I’m home for a while.” She called out into the lounge.
“Oh hello sweetie” her mum said from behind us.
“Hey mum, this is Arizona” she smiled
“Arizona, I’ve heard a lot about you from April and your mum.”
“Yeah.” I glanced at April, why in the world would she talk about me?
“I’m glad she finally has some proper friends now.” Her mum smiled at me and gave me a pat no the back. “It’s been a while since April had some proper friends.” Her mum continued.
“Mum!” April yelled with a frown on her face, “I’ve had friends!” she said pulling me toward her.
“Yes I know but they haven’t been good friends. I hope you don’t turn out like the others.” Her mum frowned at me. “Oh I’m Amanda by the way.” She smiled and turned, “Are you girls hungry at all?” she asked I shook my head.
“No, I’m not hungry Miss West” I told her.
“Please call me Amanda; it makes me feel so old when you call me Miss.”
“I’ll be back in two seconds.” April told me running off, leaving me alone in a house I knew little about.

I stood awkwardly in the lounge room; I didn’t know what to do. Weather I should sit down or just stand and wait for April to come back.
“Make yourself at home” April’s mum called from where ever she was. I turned around and found her mum looking at me through a large window in the wall. Behind her was a stove and fridge, all kitchen stuff. “Are you sure you don’t want any chocolate or something? Chips maybe?” she asked with a smile on her face.
“I’m sure Amanda” I smiled she frowned and sat chocolate on the window sill
“It’s there if she want it.” She said, she smiled and walk off and started cooking some kind of desert, all I know is it had chocolate in it and it smelt yummy. April walked in with a book hidden behind her back. I cocked an eyebrow and she handed it to me.
“Come with me” she said dragging me along with her. We came to her room; she sat me down on her bed. “I want you to read these.” She said lightly brushing the front on the book with her fingers.

I opened the book slowly; I wasn’t really sure what I was going to find when I opened the book. I was anxious.

Dear diary,

It’s July 27th 2000,
The news that my dad was shot in a road rage has shocked me. Made me want to do some pretty stupid things. Mum is keeping a close eye on me. She knows how close I was to dad, he was my idol. I wanted to be like him, kind and sweet and always helping people. I wanted to become a vet like him. I wanted to help people be happy with their animals’ everyday. I guess this just makes me want to be one even more. I guess it also means I have to deal with loosing my dad, my best friend. The only one who truly understood what I was going through when I came home crying because my friends had called me fat. Or when someone at school was giving me a hard time. I better go I’m tired and need sleep.

There were tear stains on the page. I looked up at her.
“Why is this the first entry?” I asked confused.
“I’d filled a book before hand, but they are pointless. You don’t need to read those.” She told me taking the diary out of my hands and took it into her own shaky hands. She flipped through the pages. “You can read all of it.”
“Why did you show me that?” I asked, tears forming in my eyes.
“I wanted to show you that I’d been in the same predicament.” She smiled weakly and handed the book back to me. I kept reading, a lot of the entries were about how she wanted to be my friend and how everyone was making her do away. There was one entry that stood out though.

February 24th 2008,
Okay so I’ve figured out I don’t want to just be Arizona William’s best friend. I want to be more then her best friend. I want to be her girlfriend. She just, there is something about her, something that draws me in, something. She is so kind and loving; she doesn’t seem to push me away. It’s more just her friends that don’t like me. Hopefully I’m right.

I looked at her, amazed. Maybe I was going to be happy after all.
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okay another update. i'd love it if i got some comments. pleasie?