Looking At The Letters That You Left

Fan mail. Yup. One of the great things about being a celebrity. And being who they are, the Jonas Brothers, they read it because of their love for their fans.

(Banner by HiMyNameIsMrsJonas)

Even though the Jonas Brothers love their fans dearly, sometimes the fan mail can be a bit too much. From ice cream cakes to fans that repetitively send them mail telling the boys exactly what they would do if they ever met them, it's a little crazy. So when they get a package of mail that includes the whole family and brings smiles to all their faces, they suddenly don't mind fan mail so much anymore. And when they write back to the girl that sent them the mail, and she writes back, everything goes well. They turn to her whenever they need advice, or just when they need to tell someone something and they don't want to be judged. She's always there to listen.

A year later, they meet her and they're surprised to find out that she's not exactly as they pictured her. And when they start to get a bit too busy to talk to her, they miss out on something important. Will they ever figure out what that thing was? Will they even be able to fix it? Or will she leave them and art behind forgotten forever?
  1. Introduction
    Welcome to a day in the life of the Jonas family...
  2. Letters to the Heart
    Reading the letter...
  3. The Artist With No Name
    To Chelsy...
  4. Do You Believe In Fairytales?
    We all deserve to be considered a princess...
  5. Letters for Frankie, Joe, and Nick
    As the title chapter says...
  6. Letters for Kevin, Denise, and Kevin Sr.
    As the title says...again...
  7. World Tour
    Sofia at work in her sanctuary...the art room.
  8. Daddy's Little Girl
    Word of advice? Never tease your younger cousin...
  9. Gotta Love Frankie...
    "I love you..."
  10. Nicky-bear...
    The chapter title has NOTHING to do with the chapter. =)
  11. Write-and-Tell
    When you have a secret as big as knowing the Jonas Brothers, you have to tell someone, right?
  12. Grandpa and Bianca
    Sofia pays grandpa a visit...