Unnoticed tension


Gerard's P.O.V.

Ugh. Bob hit his head again...I was getting sick of waking up like this. One of these times we were going to wake up, minus one drummer. And I couldn't say for sure whose fault it'd be.

It took some time to get back to sleep after that. Bob was quite loud with his tossing and turning, and the occasional aggravated sigh...though it was somewhat amusing for a few minutes.
When I finally did get back to sleep, I had some odd dreams. One involved myself swimming in ice cream, with Ray chucking peanut M&Ms at my head. Fuck if I know what that's supposed to mean.

I crawled out of my bunk, and winced at the bright sunlight. "Coffee, coffee, coffee...." I muttered while steadying myself. I wandered into the kitchen, yawning and scratching the back of my head. I looked over at the table to see who was up, and saw Bob and Mikey. I couldn't help but crack a smile. Bob's hair was sticking up every which way, his eyes were rimmed with red and black, and Mikey was entirely too absorbed in his newspaper to notice...and to make fun of him. Bob blinked and frowned at me, like he didn't know what was going on. I stepped over and ruffled his hair, then went for some coffee. I heard him clear his throat, and by the time I'd finished getting my coffee and sat myself down, he had his hair tamed.

"What's our next stop?" I asked before testing the temperature of my coffee with a sip. Ouch, too hot...

"Chicago..." Bob whispered with a crazed gleam in his eye. I laughed. He frowned.

"I get to see my kitty...." he added before sipping his coffee. Mikey giggled from behind his newspaper, apparently reminding both of us that he was still there. I glanced at Bob with a weak smile before laughing slightly. I managed to encourage a smile from him before he looked back down to his coffee. Well, at least today was starting better than most days...
Ever since Bob had been trying to quit smoking, he'd obviously become moody and unpredictable. It had also intensified his nightmares, causing all of us to go sleepless.

When I snapped out of my daze, I saw that Bob was now holding the newspaper, while Mikey looked peeved. I raised an eyebrow with a smirk. Mikey crossed his arms in a huff and glared at me. I suppose I shouldn't look so amused...
"What's so interesting in that thing?" I piped up, tapping on the newspaper. I gulped down some of my coffee, eyes stinging from the heat.

"Crossword." Bob answered simply, I saw him snag a pen from in front of Mikey which had previously been hidden.

"I wanted to do one on my own..." Mikey whined. I couldn't help but laugh at his childish tone, so he of course threw a bit of his toast at me. This only encouraged more laughter, to the point that I could hear Bob chuckling, and saw Mikey throw his remaining piece of toast at him. Mikey soon joined in laughing, and from there it was out of control.

Frank walked in just after we burst into hysterics. I swear to god, there was something in that coffee.

We all stopped when we noticed Ray and Frank standing in the doorway, giving us quizzical looks. I saw Bob bite down on his bottom lip to keep from laughing, while Mikey hid his mouth with his hand. I just grinned.

"So..." Ray broke the silence, holding the coffee he'd just carefully prepared for himself.

"I take it you're not PMSing anymore?" Frank soon chimed in, eyeing Bob. Bob's smile fell, replaced with a glare. Dammit, and we'd been having fun...

Frank squeaked, snatched Ray's coffee, and darted to the back of the bus. Ray just stood still, staring at where his coffee had been, hands still shaped like they were holding the mug. "What the fu...?" Ray muttered before darting off after Frank.

Cue more crazed giggling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, sorry this chapter is shit. I've been having trouble with it. >_< It's cut together from about a dozen attempts, and it seemed to be the only way to move forward....*sigh* I promise future chapters won't be so bad, and there will actually be *gasp* a plot introduced!

I'm really impressed at how many comments this story has - especially compared to how many readers there are. Thanks so much, guys. <3