Lying Is Your Favorite Passion


How can you believe that a small town girl like me would end up as a stripper at a strip joint in Vegas. If you told me that three years ago, I would've just laugh in your face and walk away. I wish that I never left Allentown and came to Las Vegas.
"Hey Jamie, your on in two!" I nodded my head at my boss, Chris

I started to fix my Costume, it was Halloween and Chris thought it would be cool to make us dress up. Yeah Right

! I sigh and got ready to go on. I greetedCherry Crystal as she got off the stage.

"It's a full house, tonight, Envy!" Crystal told me as she walked past me

I nodded my head and waited for my music to start up. I heard the beginning of Scream by Avenged Sevenfold start up and walk on stage. I let the music over take my body and started to strip slowly.

After Work I bid good bye to my co-works and walk to my car. I got in and turn it on. I jump when Escape the Fate came blasting though the speakers. I turn it down and drove to my apartment.

I walk up the stairs to my apartment, which I might add is on the 9th floor. I'm really scared of elevators, so I don't take them at all. I open the door and was greeted by my pug, Zacky. "

Hey baby, you hungry?" Zacky look at me with his big brown eyes and got really happy as I pour him some more food.

I sigh tiredly and walk into my room, where I strip down to my underwear and bra and crawl into bed.

Max's POV

I was drag to a strip joint by Ronnie, Omar, and Robert because I been mopping around about my break up that happen three weeks ago. We walk in and sat at a table that was on the left of the stage. I wasn't really into the girls, until this girl with short blond hair and pretty green eyes came walk onto the stage and started to dance. I couldn't help but to stare at her in amazement as she move to the beat of the song.

"Dude, she is fucking hot!" Monte said as we all watched her

"I wish my girlfriend could dance for me like that!" Ronnie whined

"Dude Ronnie, if Mel heard you that she would beat you down!" Robert said looking at Ronnie

I rolled my eyes at them and keeping watching as Envy was dancing. I had learn her name from the waitress that gave us our drinks. I felt my heart sink as she walk off the stage after her song ended.

Around 3 a.m. we finally left the strip club and were waiting for a taxi to get here. My breath caught my throat as I saw her walk out of the club and into her car. I smile when I heard our band came blasting though her speakers.

"Hey earth to Max, stop staring at the girl and lets go!" Omar said waving his hand infront of my face

I shook my head and followed Omar into the cab, but I could get that stripper out of my mind as I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. After 20 minutes of staring at the ceiling, I finally fell asleep.

Normal POV

I woke up to Zacky barking at the door. I groan and got out of bed and went to the door and open it up to see Mel standing there with starbucks and dunkin and donuts. I smile and let her into the house.

"So how is life, Jamie?" Mel asked as she set the stuff down on table

"It's good, what about you, missy?" I asked as I grab my coffee from her

"It's wonderful, I guess." She said rolling her eyes

We laugh and started to eat our food.

"Jamie, the reason I came here was because I need someone to go shopping with me and none of the other girls will go with me." Mel asked looking staright at me

Mel gave me her famous puppy eyes and beg me to go with her. I laugh and nodded my head as I got off the stool and walk into my room.

I got dress my grey skinny jeans and a Paramore t-shirt. I slip on my black chucks and put on my make-up. I put my hair up and a ponytail and let my bangs fall into my face.

I walk out of my bedroom to see Mel texting someone on her sidekick.

"Hey girly lets go!" I yelled at her as I grab my tote bag

Mel close her phone and jump off the couch and headed to the front door. I rolled my eyes and grab my keys. I lock my door and started to walk down the stairs with Mel right next to me.

We walk out of my building and into the hot Las Vegas heat.

"Mel!" Someone yelled from down the street

We turn around just as this guy jumps on Mel; sending her down to the ground.

"AH, Ronnie get the fuck off of me!" Mel screamed at the guy

My Fucking Best Friend Knows Ronnie Radke From Escape The Fate
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Hope You Like!
Both Mel And I Know Ronnie and Omar Are Not In The Band, But We Wrote This Story Way Before That Happen!
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