The Darkest Hour

We All Go To Hell

"The drunken mess that Officer Ted just brought back is your-"

"Fiance," Alicia answered with hostility. The receptionist at the desk in the center of the police station wasn't the most wonderful personality to deal with. Alicia had no patience for her; she was here to pick up Mikey, and she was furious.

"He's not in any condition for visitors-"

"I'm his brother, she's marrying him for fucks sakes, and we demand a visit! He wandered away from us, and we just want to take him home!" Gerard said. The receptionist just stared at Mikey's family, sighing as she shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but he can't be seen by anyone until morning."

"Do you know who he is?" Alicia asked. She was growing in anger. The receptionist rolled her eyes, as if Alicia was playing a game. Oh, did that ever set Alicia Simmons off. "He's fucking Mikey Way! He's a fucking rock star, and he needs us back there! You have no clue what his life is like, or what's going on with him right now! If you don't let me back there, I swear-"

"What, Miss My-fiance-is-supposedly-famous?!" the lady asked. Alicia narrowed her eyes, making her vision slightly blurry.

"I swear I'll have everything you own in Calgary. There won't be any stopping me, either." Ray and Bob were standing by the door, but they had pushed their bodies off of the wall as Alicia's anger grew. Their faces said the same exact thing; listen to her, or she'll really do it.

The receptionist sighed, pointing to her right. Alicia's face turned into a smile as she stormed down the hall. She could hear putrid sounds, smell awful smells, and see gruesome sights. She didn't care though; her Mikey was somewhere around here, and she needed to see him, to get him out of there.

She could hear the sounds of Gee, Ray, Bob, and Frank behind her. Alicia turned the corner as the cells did. She could hear him now; his cries were louder as she ran down the hall. "'Licia!" he yelled. Somehow before he had seen her, he knew she was there.

Alicia came up to his cell and held the bars on either side of her face. Mike was a mess. His hair was matted to his face, his body sprawled on the ground. "Mikey!" she called, pushing her hand through the bars. The small man moved his head, but did nothing else. "I'm so sorry Mikey!"

Mikey groaned as an officer moved Alicia to unlock the door. Bob and Ray headed into the cell, picking up Mikey's fragile body. "We should get him back," Bob said. Alica nodded.

"He's riding with me, Gee, and Lindsay. That's final." Both Ray and Bob, along with Frank, nodded. They knew that when Alicia meant business, they had to listen. No questions asked. Alicia was her way, or no-highway.


"How did I let that happen?" Alicia asked as the cab made its slow roll down the highway back to the Paramour Estates. She had Mikey's head in her lap, and she was mindlessly playing with his hair as Gee and Lyn-z held onto his legs, keeping him from falling.

"Stop beating yourself up, 'Licia. He just walked off, and he was drunk. We can't really blame anyone," Gee said. He held her shoulder, his warm hand reminding her so much of how Mikey's used to be. Before his depression got really bad.

"I could have stopped him."

"No, Alicia. You couldn't have. He didn't know what he was doing, and you were in the bathroom with me," Lyn-z said, placing her hand on Alicia's. Alicia sighed, looking down at her fiance. "None of us saw it coming."
♠ ♠ ♠
Have I really been spelling Mikey's fiance's name wrong?!
Her myspace says Alicia!
I'm not blaming any of you.
More soon!