The Darkest Hour

Someone Save Us

Mikey hated the next morning, even when his eyes hadn't opened yet. His head was pounding, his body ached, and he was certainly alone. He had a feeling Alicia would be fuming. There was a horrible smell entering his lungs, and his face scrunched up to show his disgust. "I smell like an inmate," he said, though he wasn't sure to whom.

Alicia came out of the bathroom, her fury written on her face. Mike sat up, glad to see her, but scared shitless by her expression. He knew he was in deep, deep trouble. "That's because you were one. And then, when Gerard and me cursed the receptionist out at the station, we dragged you back here where you covered yourself, and me, in your vomit. You better believe your lucky to have me, and that I love you. Most girls wouldn't stand for that shit, Way."

Mikey rubbed his head as Alicia headed towards him, her face lightening a bit. She couldn't stay mad at Mikey for too long. His sanity, and hers, wouldn't stand it. "Take these. They're just some Advil for the headache, so don't freak out," she said, handing her fiance two little blue pills. Mikey nodded, glad to finally have salvation for his head.

"'Licia, I'm sorry for what happened last night. Honestly, I don't remember a second of it, but I know I must have been a huge pain in the ass if I ended up incarcerated. You know I would never do that intentionally." Alicia just nodded, though her temper was lightening a bit. Seeing Mikey so made him look like a child. She couldn't be mad at someone so innocent, so lost.

Mikey sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. The pounding was slowly subsiding, but his guilt was growing. He had both Gerard and Alicia screaming at some woman working the late shift in a police department. He got drunk, stumbled down roads he didn't know, and ended up in a cell until his family could come pick him up. "I really am-"

"Save it, Mikey. I know you're sorry, and I know I've made you feel horrible but you really need to stop this! This-the drinking is what ended where it did last night. The booze is what caused that massive hangover you've got. This...depression thing you've got going on has to stop, or else..." Alicia couldn't think of what else to say. Mikey looked up at her, his dark hair staying in place like it usually did.

"Or else?" he asked. Alicia sighed heavily, shrugging her shoulders as an answer. She could come up with only one reply, one that she was not going to say out loud to Mikey. Or else you'll end up killing yourself. There was a knock on the door, pushing that horrible thought out of Alicia's head. She smiled a bit, glad to know Gerard and Lyn-z were waiting on the other side of the door.

"I'm taking the day off with Linds. We're heading out into town, while Gee and the boys stay here and keep you occupied. We should be back in a couple of hours," she said, opening the door to a smiling Gerard and a very tired Lyn-z. The two of them came into the room for enough time for Alicia to slip shoes on and grab her purse. Before her and Lindsey headed out the door, she turned around and kissed Mikey.

"Please, stay with Gee. I know you think this place is creepy, but he's your big brother and he'll take care of you," she said, smiling as he nodded. She kissed him again quickly before turning around and grabbing Lindsey's hand to head out of the Paramour Estates.

Gerard walked across the room and took a seat next to his little brother. "You gave us a scare last nigh, Mic," he said. Gee was always calling Mikey Mic, no matter how much the younger Way brother protested. Mikey just nodded, not really in the mood to say anything about the nickname. "We thought you ran away; that you had hitched a cab and ran back home or something," he finished.

Home, Mikey thought. New Jersey; his home since he was born. His home, where he and Alicia could live forever, because they loved home. "Hope-ah," he said, making a clicking sound with his lips. "I was drunk, and now I'm paying for that." Mikey sighed, standing up to pick up some skinny black jeans and a Monster Energy Drink shirt. "I'll be out in a minute," he said, closing the bathroom door to get changed.

After slipping into the outfit he'd picked out, Mikey placed his hands on either side of the sink and looked up. His reflection didn't seem to be the same Mikey he was used to seeing. Other than the lack of glasses and blond hair, Mikey couldn't find himself in his own reflection anymore. He only saw someone who was loosing everything they had; sanity, love, life. He sighed, then turned on the faucet.

Mikey splashed his face with cool water before sighing again. He turned from the mirror and headed back into his room, seeing Gee in the same spot that Mikey had left him in. "What are we doing today?" he asked. His older brother always had something to do, and always had something for Mikey to do. Gee looked up at his brother and smiled.

"The same as most other days," he said, waiting for Mikey to be ready to roll his eyes. As if on cue, the both of them, at the same time had said, "Band practice."
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I'm really happy that all of you like this!