Sequel: We All Roll Along

Holding Our Breath While We Touch

Whoever She Is

"Bring ring ring!" Sounded the alarm clock on my bedside table. Without lifting my head out of the cozy haven I had created with my covers, I slammed a hand down on my clock to turn it off. After lying in bed for a few more minutes I eventually dragged head out from underneath my sheets to catch a look at the clock.

It read 10:45. Damn.

I was late for work.

With my newfound energy brought on by the realisation that I might get fired, I hopped out of bed, grabbed my iPod speaker/dock and headed for the washroom.

"How do I manage to look like I got hit by a tornado every time I wake up?" I silently asked myself as I glanced in the mirror then turned around to turn on the shower. I hopped in, blasting Clouds by The Morning Light.

After showering as quickly as possible, I grabbed some black skinnies, a Snakes & Suits T-shirt, slipped on my Vans and rushed out the door to my workplace, The Green Bean Café.

"You're late, usual," chirped my supervisor, Adam.

"Chill there, Adam. No biggie, I'll just work overtime to make up for lost time."

"That is what you always say"

"And that is what I always do!" I retorted as I finished tying up my apron and turning to man the register. But, I had no idea who would be standing there.

A shorter boy, about 5'5", with long; shaggy hair; parted to one side, big brown eyes and one of the skinniest bodies I had ever seen on a kid over fifteen. He looked to be about eighteen or nineteen and definitely no from around here. Overall, he was surprisingly cute.

"Is it alright if I get some strawberries, no whipped cream, and a Capri Sun?" said the cute boy.

My mouth hung open as I stood there, hoping that something English, or at least audiable, came out of my mouth.

"Excuse me? Hello? Anyone in there?" he said jokingly, waving his had in front of my face.

"Oh, right, yes, sorry. I'll get that right away!" I said, a little too enthusiastically.

"Okay," said the boy, still smiling, backing away a little to sit down on a cushy chair, all the while watching me prepare his order.

When I turned around with his food he was still looking at me, still smiling. I couldn't help but copy his expression as he looked up at me with those sparkling eyes.

"So, how much will that cost me?" he asked.

"Have a lovely day!" I automatically said, not realising that he hadn't paid.

He laughed quietly to himself and pulled some change out of his pocket. Sliding it onto the counter he leaned in towards me on the other side of the counter. But, what happened next, I will remember forever. Forever.

"I hope you have a lovely day, too, Coffee Lady" he whispered to me, then quickly pecking me on the lips. "I'll see you tomorrow for some more berries."

"Bye," I managed to say. But it was too late. The door had already opened and closed leaving me alone with only the taste of his lips on mine and the ringing of the bells on the door.

Bring ring ring
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll leave it at, you amaze me.