Sequel: We All Roll Along

Holding Our Breath While We Touch

I Must Be Dreaming

The next day was the first day in what seemed like years I woke up before my alarm clock. Pulling back my sheets, I sat up and stretched with a remarkable amount of adrenaline rushing through my veins. With the new spring in my stepped I rushed over to my closet.

"What to wear, what to wear" I mumbled as I continued to eye my wardrobe, all the while turning on my iPod speaker, flipping to the song Don't Trust Me by 3oh!3.

I still stood there, looking at my clothes, praying that something would jump out at me. When that tactic didn't work I settled on my never fail option of black leggings, a white V-neck short sleeved shirt, grey and blue striped cardigan and purple boots. Parting my hair in the middle, I pulled back and twisted and pinned my bangs with bobby pins, the overlapping the rest of my hair towards the back of my head into a knot. After a quick application of brown/black liquid eyeliner and a bit of mascara, I looked into the mirror satisfied.

On my way out the door I caught I look at the clock: 9:55. Great! I wouldn't be late today, meaning that maybe Adam would leave me alone while I worked the register. Meaning that maybe there was a chance of yesterday's happening to reoccur.

"On time for once, Deidee! That's a first, for sure!" said Adam as I strolled through the door.

"I know, eh? I don't know, I just seemed to be full of energy this morning!"

"Well, maybe you could put some of that extra energy into some use. Why don't you strap on an apron and start on some coffee. Or maybe you should be getting some more Capri Sun out of the back room," tauntingly replied Adam. Did he see that boy and I kiss yesterday?

"Capri Sun?" I asked, trying my best to look confused.

"Don't act so surprised, Deidee. I saw you and that guy necking yesterday. Don't worry about it, I'm cool with it. Just don't let your antics interfere with work," laughed Adam.

I let out a sigh of relief. Maybe everything would work out the way I wanted to. The previous night I had run over a thousand scenarios in my head, preparing myself on what I should say. But, nothing could prepare me for what came through the door. Nothing.

It was just him, that's all. In tight; tight black jeans, a bright blue plaid shirt; rolled up to his elbows, and red converse.

"Hey," he said to me, as he reached the cash register.

"Ga bard goo too!" I said. Or, at least, that is what it sounded like I was saying.

"I'm good. And how about you?"

Well, obviously I had said something in English. Or maybe he spoke this foreign language I was hearing from my mouth. Get a hold of yourself!!! I yelled at inside my head, you are totally blowing this!

I took in a deep breath, "I'm just fine. And what can I get you today, Capri Sun boy?" Ohmygod. I think that went alright! I thought with releif.

"Well, I suppose I'll have to live up to my name, won't I?"

"One Capri Sun, coming up!" I said, smiling brightly.

He smiled back as he went to sit down in the same spot as yesterday.

I brought this order over to his table. Just as I was going to turn around, after setting his drink down, he grabbed hold of my wrist, guiding me to the chair opposite him.

"Hey," he whispered.

"Hey," I whispered back.

"I'm Pat."

"I'm -"

"Deidee! Get back to the cash!" cried Adam, poking his head out from the back room. Shit, I thought.

"Deidee," said Pat, "cute. I'll see you around then," as he stood up, walking towards the door. He stopped, abruptly, beside me, were I sat. He looked at me, with a small smile upon his face. Quietly chuckling to himself, he bent down his head, and kissed my forehead. "Maybe I'll see ya around."

"Yea, around." I replied, once again too late, as all that was left was the ringing of the door bells.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll be undressing you with every word

Deidee's boots: