Sequel: We All Roll Along

Holding Our Breath While We Touch

Into Your Arms

Saturday evening I sat still in my pajamas, warm and cozy, in my computer chair staring at my laptop screen. I was IMing my best friend, Juliette, who was away for the summer at OELC for Drama.

After telling her all about Pat and the rest of my summer and hearing about hers, I logged off and threw on a white hoodie ( and pink multi-coloured plain short-shorts. Not even bothering with shoes, I tied my hair into a knot on the top of my head, slipped on a LuLu lemon headband and rushed out of the house to my garage.

Pulling open the garage door I got my bike, a classic midnight blue Electra cruiser, and peddled off down the road, towards the peir. Most summers when Juliette is in town we like to go swimming there because we can pretty much do whatever we want without anyone seeing us. Lately though, with Juli gone, I've been going there in the evening to swim and dive off the concrete dock before I watch the sunset.

As I arrived I jumped off my bike, not even bothering to come to a full stop. Letting my bike fall to the ground, I ran towards the end of the dock, stripping off my clothes in the process - leaving me only in my bra and underwear, skin exposed to the warm summer air. I untied my hair and ran my fingers through it, letting it flow through the air as I continued running to the end of the concrete dock.

Not slowing down at all, I dove head first into the water, letting the cold shock from the water hit me fully. My head emerged from the water and I caught my breath. Pulling myself out from the ice water, I lay down on the dock, the heat from the concrete warming my body.

I laid there for what seemed like hours, only lifting my head every so often to check the sun's position. Finally I saw a pink haze in the sky and a orange glow around the sun. I sat up and tucked my knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I sat there, by myself, resting my cheek against my arm, trying to keep warm as a cool breeze picked up.

"Chilly, much?" said a voice behind me, before they came to sit beside me, tenderly wrapping their arms around me., I thought, This cannot be him! I quickly looked over to the person seated beside me. Ohmygoodness, it is.

My brain immediately froze. I had no idea what to say. Well, I said to myself, here is goes.

"Hey, you," I quietly greeted him.

"Shhhh" he whispered, leaning into me. "No more talking."

I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder, he then leaning his head on mine. After the sun had completely set we sat together for a few moments. Not in an awkward silence, but a more peaceful, and understanding one.

"Deidee?" spoke Pat, lifting up his head.

"Yes, Pat?" I said before lifting my head off his shoulder.

As I looked up at him he swiftly plunged his lips into mine. It was not fast nor rough, but slow, deep and sweet. I stretched out my legs and put my hand down on the dock, behind my back. Pat had his hands on the dock as well, on either side of me. He picked up one hand and put it behind my head and he slowly guided it down to the concrete beneath us.

Lying on the dock together, kissing, our bodies pushed against each other. Softly at first, but then rougher and harder when we felt our bodies couldn't get any longer.

I finally managed to pull away. We stared into each others eyes. His hand ran up and down my back, underneath my bra strap.

"Pat, we can't do this here" I managed to get out of me.

"I know," he spoke back to me. He sat up, pulling me up with him. He gingerly picked up my shirt and pulled it over my head. I picked up my shorts and put them on. When I finished buttoning them up, I looked and saw that he had already put my bike into his white Chevy Suburban.

"Comming?" He asked.

"Yea," I said.

I guess you can figure out what happened next.
♠ ♠ ♠
With eyes like a sunset, baby