Sequel: We All Roll Along

Holding Our Breath While We Touch

Girls Do What They Want

The next morning I woke up to the feeling of someone’s warm skin brushing against mine. I gently opened my eyes and looked to see who it was. But, before I could find out who my bed companion was, I noticed that I was in a strange room. Oh yea, I silently laughed to myself as I recalled the previous night’s events. My reminiscing didn’t last long, though, before I realized that my mom had no idea where I was.

Wrapping myself up in Pat’s sheet, I walked across the room in search of my shorts, where my cell was. I found them balled up by the door. I stooped over and fished out my phone, quickly dialling my home number while pulling on my shorts and one of Pat’s white T neck off his floor.

“Hello?” spoke a frantic voice on the other end of the line. My mother.

“Hey, mom. It’s me, Deidee. Sorry that I didn’t call last night. Adam called me to come into work. A bus arrived or something. Anyways, I was too tired to go all the way home, so I stayed the night at a friends. Sorry I didn’t call!” Hopefully she would buy it. I mean, it did sound pretty believable. Plus, telling her the truth was totally out of the question. Just imagining how that conversation would go over gave me the shivers.

Me: Hey, mom. I wasn’t home last night because while I was at the pier I ended up making out with this guy I met two days ago. Then we went back to his house. And know what we did?

My mom: No, sweetie, what did you do?

Me: We had sex!

My mom: Oh, that’s just wonderful, honey. But, just remember for next time to call me and use a condom.

Me: Alrightie.

Right. “Deidee! How could you be so careless? I’ll let it pass this time, but please don’t forget again! You had me in knots! Do you know how stressed I was about you?” my mom said to me.

“Sorry, again, mom.”

“And what friend’s house? I thought that Juliette was at OELC.” Oh. A flaw in my flawless alibi.
“Oh, she is. This is someone I met this summer at work. Real sweet kid.” Now, that was stretching. Kid? Why did I say that.

“Okay. Maybe they can come over sometime?”

“Oh, sure,” I said as I heard Pat softly calling my name from his bed, “well, I’ve got to go now. I’ll be home later today.”

“Bye-bye darling.”

“Goodbye, mum.”

I snapped my phone shut and rushed back to the warmth of Pat’s bed.

“Hey,” I said.

He smiled at me before he kissed me lightly. “So, what is your opinion on music?” he asked, looking a little worried.

“Music?” Random question to be asking the morning after. “Of course I like it! Right now I’m really into this band called All Time Low. Why do you ask?”

“Well..” he said as two guys about Pat’s age walked into the room. “Deidee,” said Pat, a little embarrassed, “this is Garrett” he said as he pointed to a skinny guy in black jeans, a plaid shirt, vest and Buddy Holly-style glasses. “And, this is Kennedy,” and he gestured to an equally skinny guy, short hair, and big; green eyes. Wow. Were all of Pat’s friends this beautiful?

“What up?” cried Garrett as he dove on the bed in between us. “So. I finally get to meet this Deidee that Pat won’t shut up about,” as he ruffled Pat’s hair.

I smiled and stuck out my hand. “Nice to meet you Garrett. You, too, Kennedy.”

But, instead of jokingly shaking my hand as I had intended for Garrett to do, he sort of looked at it for a few seconds before pulling me over into a hug. We laughed for a bit before Pat chirped in.

“Whoa, man. Hands off, she’s mine,” laughed Pat at us as he pulled me over to his side of the bed.

“So,” said Kennedy from the other side of the room were he had sat down in Pat’s computer chair, “does anyone know where John is?” Holy, I had totally forgotten how beautiful he was. But, no. Pat. Pat Pat Pat Pat. I like him.

“Did someone say my name?” said a tall guy walking through the door, whom I assumed to be John. The second I guessed would be Jared.

“Sorry we’re late guys,” said Jared, “I sort of slept in and I gave John a ride here.”

“Well, I don’t want to get in the way of your practicing,” I said, “so I had better go.” The last thing I wanted was for Pat’s friend to think that I was a clingy, annoying...girlfriend? Well, it wasn’t official yet, but I could only assume.

“No!” said Pat and Kennedy simultaneously. Kennedy backed off a bit after realizing how eager he sounded. “No, we would all love to have you say,” finished Pat.

“Alright, as long as I don’t get in the way.”

We all headed down to the basement were all their equipment was set up. Pat sat at his drums wile Garrett picked up a bass, Kennedy a guitar and stood at a mic, John up front at his mic, and Jared on guitar. They practiced for hours, but it felt like minutes. Their songs were so catchy and upbeat it was a wonder that they weren’t all over the place by now. After finishing their song, Undressing The Words, they turned to me.

“What did you think?” asked John.

I was speechless! “Wow. That is really all I have to say. Wow.”

“Aww! Thanks!” said Jared. “Yo, Deidee, what are you doing next Saturday?” Pat gave him a glare that could kill, but Jared payed him no attention. “What man? You would have asked her anyways. So, Dei, do you want to come to a party at Tim’s, Pat’s brother?”

“For sure. I’ll just have to get it cleared up with my mom. Next Saturday you said? I think that my friend Juliette should be back from OELC then. Do you mind if she comes?”

“More the merrier!” cried Garrett.

We all walked upstairs. It was about three o’clock and my mom would be expecting me home soon. Pat walked me to the door while the other boys made their way to Pat’s kitchen in search of food.

“Man!” Shouted one of the boys from the kitchen, “why do you only ever have fruit to eat?”