Sequel: Only the Circus Knows

A Picturesque Score of Passing Fantasy

Three Hearts

I stared at him in pure horror.
The salty tears threatened to overflow any second now.

"No!" I screamed. My body shook fear. The Phantom's face grew hard.

"What did you say?" his voice was stern, like a father talking to his child on how saying a profanity was bad- even though that father probably got drunk almost every other day and spewed out colorful words like a volcano.

"I can't." my words came out softly, unsure of themselves.

"Why?" he smiled. Again, it wasn't a friendly smile at all.

"I-I love him." I whispered, barely audible. It was the truth, I did love Brendon. Being here, in this dark black room made me realize it. It made me appreciate the light, and fear the dark. The Dark Masquerade was like its name- dark, cold, black. But Brendon was the beacon of light that made everything feel better and inplace. Even if he did have horrible habits.

"Love him?" the Phantom was starting to sound even more angry than before.
The silver pendent grew cold against my skin.
The pendent.

What about Ryan? Did I love him too?

I thought about that. While the Phantom's face grew more mean, more hard each second. I loved both of them. Completely.
I finally looked up from my feet and stared into the Phantom's glistening red eyes.

"You disapoint me." was all he said, "Watch out. Above you."
Everything turned black. I let out a loud scream.

I was tangled in sheets.
I was in my bed, safe and sound.

Was it really all just a dream? Maybe, but it all seemed so real.
The music.
The Phantom.
The piano.

A soft knock interuppted my thoughts. I got up to let them in.

"Clair!" Ryan looked distressed, "Are you alright?" It took me a second before I could answer him truthfully. Was I really alright?

"Yes." Lie.
I wasn't.

"You were screaming in your sleep. Screaming about the Phantom." he whispered the last part. I felt somewhat releived that it probably was a dream. Since Ryan had said he heard me.
But the Phantom's last words to me still lingered in my head.

"Watch out. Above you."

"Come on. We need to get ready for the show." Ryan sighed. I noticedthe time was 1:43...PM.

"I slept in long." I said as we were walking toward the dressing rooms.

"Everyone did. They're allowed to today. They need their rest." he just said. I did love Ryan. Too much. The way his lips would curl up into an adorable smile everytime I did something clumsy. The way he-

"Clair!" someone squealed. Anna.

"Hello." I said tiredly. Her energy made me tired for some reason.

"Clair! You look white as a ghost!" she exclaimed. Ryan shifted uneasily.

"Uhh, thanks?" it came out as a question. Annamarie just laughed it off.

"Ready to be a showstopper?" Anjelah chuckled rom behind me.

"Get the ballerina all dolled up for Brendon alright?" Ryan smiled warmly at me, "A couple hours till the Last Masquerade."
♠ ♠ ♠
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If you don't get the chapter title. Sorry:
Brendon, Clair, and Ryan
3 hearts
They all love eachother. Haha. Get it?