Sequel: Only the Circus Knows

A Picturesque Score of Passing Fantasy

Only a Dream for Them, but not for my Love

"That is not true." I glared at William. For all I knew he was only trying to frighten me, convince me to go to wherever he wanted to take me, or he just wasn't real at all. I could have been knocked out by the Phantom and be dreaming all of this.
But then there was the smell of blood.
Surely I would have never been able to dream of that.
Death seemed a fantastic route to go right now, I did not feel like dealing with what was only a dream. Yes, it was a dream. I would not let it be anything else.
But him, in my dream, just gorgeous...

"It is true." he looked hard at me, "Brendon is my friend, as well as Ryan. I will not let someone murder you when I could have saved you. I will not be responsible for the causing your death."

"But you are not the one that is going to kill me." I challenged.

The Phantom.

At that moment, death did not seem that good of an idea. At that moment, I only wished that in the beginning I would have listened to William- so that I would not have to go through meeting the Phantom yet again.

"Clair..." William looked desperate, "I promised Brendon no harm would come to you. Even if you couldn't see me. But you can, which makes it a whole lot easier to convince you to come with me. Please."

"Get me away from him." I whispered. He nodded and took my hand, the liquid feeling of his touch made me a little nausiated, "You are to explain everything to me when we are safe." I said. He only nodded and proceeded to lead me out of the main theatre.
The music was playing softly. Though it was still very much evident. To my ears at least. The last time I was here Ryan could not hear the music.
Dear Ryan.
God keep him safe. Safe from the Phantom. Safe from everything harmful. Safe from whatever this William was.

We ended up at a small garden. It reminded me of the meadow that I laid in not so long ago with the man of my dreams. Will, I was sure, was still a dream. A dream that started when Brendon had found me in the London shoppe keeper's store, and had not ended yet.
The Dark Masquerade was not real.
Brendon Urie did not exsist.
Serenia Dowes was just my imagination.
Annamarie, dear Annamarie was only as real as an elephant with a neck the size of a girraffe, and that only weighed 2 ounces. Right, she didn't exsist either.
Spencer's delicious flapjacks never were.
Jon was never a super secret spy or a ninja.
But I could not bring myself to imagine that Ryan was only a dream. He was much more than just a measly dream. He was perfect. Fantastical.
He was a picturesque score of passing fantasy.
My fantasy.
My love.

"You may explain to me what you are." I said. Tears formed in my eyes. This was all just a dream. All just a dream.
He was a fantasy.
A glorious fantasy.
My Ryan.

"I do not know where to start. But Brendon will be looking for you. This is going to have to wait until later." William said. Anger filled my heart. Had not he promised me an explanation if I were to go with him?

"He didn't." a voice came. A friendly voice. A female voice. William smiled at someone behind me.

"How do you do Alexandria?" Will asked politely. I turned around, surely one would not miss a chance to see the leader of the Magicains.
She was beautiful.
Breathtaking to be more percise.
She, like Will, was glowing.

"Troubled." she replied, "And joyous." I sigh escaped her luminecent lips. How I envied her beauty.

"Why?" Will said.

"Something dreadful is going to happen, and someting wonderful is going to happen...well, taking place right now."

"What is so wonderful?" I dared to ask the perfect example of an angel.

"Serenia is back." she had evident happiness in her face. But after a short pause, her expression changed to the complete opposite of happiness. She was troubled. Mad even? "But the Phantom is not in the mood for dealing with his daughter's love. He's more in the mood of revealing our secret and killing off every single magician there ever was. And this time, he's going to make sure that that happens."
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't you just love this chapter?
I do.
And I promise an explanation of what Billvy is in the next chapter. I have gotten numerous comments on how they like the chapters with Serenia in them and the history of how everything started.
Well...those people are probably going to be joyous for the next few chapters.


Because all we need is love.
-The Beatles