Sequel: Only the Circus Knows

A Picturesque Score of Passing Fantasy

I Would Hate to say Goodbye

"What in the world..." William breathed.
The theater was magnificent.
Glorious, it could have been a palace for kings and queens.

"I don't get it." Gabe stated.

"We all don't get it." Pete muttered under his breath, but Gabe heard it anyways. He punched him in the arm, "Ouch!"

"Shut up!" Gabe frowned.

"Well," Pete breathed angrily, "I didn't mean to offend you."

"You-" Gabe.

I decided not to listen to their pointless bickering and take in more of my surroundings.
The atmosphere was bright and had a sense of royalty to it.
Plus there was no rats.

"Somethings not right." Will said. Pete and Gabe didn't seem to hear him, they were still arguing, "Somethings-"

The floor collapsed in on itself, sucking Will, Gabe, Pete and I inside the ever-widening hole. I was scared that the splinters from the floor would puncture me, but the idea of how far we were falling down never crossed my mind. The light from above dissolved rapidly, we were soon engulfed in darkness. But the oddest thing occurred, the boys weren't glowing. In fact, I wasn't even sure if they were there with me at all.
Still falling, I called out, the howling wind overpowered my frail voice. I started to feel incredibly uncomfortable and scared.

"William!" I cried out louder this time. And just as I expected, no answer except the blowing wind. I longed for light, even the tiniest, little-


Yes, star. But why were they appearing all around me? One by one, different color and sized stars popped up in the black space. Soon, there was plenty light and thousands of luminescent galaxies around me.
One would feel relieved that they were finally out of the darkness. But not me.
The stars reminded me of him.
Reminded me of the time when I ran away with Ryan. He took me to Harlequin Theatre and after, a sweet meadow. I remember the meadow so vividly now. It was night, crisp, fresh. The newly grown grass brushed against our cheeks as we laid down. The stars, so visible in the navy blue velvet sky.
Tears started forming in my eyes. Is this what I get? My punishment for running away?
How I missed him. How I missed Ryan.
I probably wasn't going to see him again, I probably wasn't going to see anyone I loved or cared for again also.
Wizard, my beloved white tiger.
Mirabelle, dear Mirabelle.

The shimmering stars grew fainter and fainter, and soon it was if they weren't there anymore. I felt even more lonely.
The falling grew to a slow stop. This, I was relieved from. And the blanket of darkness encircled me, with the faint tinkling of a music box. Anjelah's music box.
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