Sequel: Only the Circus Knows

A Picturesque Score of Passing Fantasy

Gabe Hears Mee

But being the mean people they are, they won't come for me. I'm going to be all by my lonesome-

"Gabe." something whispered. It was earie...not all there.
Huh, like me! I'm not all there-
"Gabe, stop talking to yourself. Just shut up for a moment."

That was weird.

"How does he know I'm talking to myself?" I wondered outloud. Oh, yeah.

"Are you always this annoying?" the voice sounded familiar.
Oh Lord, what if it's the-the Phantom?

"Run for your lives!" I yelled flailing my arms around. My right hand got caught in a cobweb and I screamed like a little girl.

"Gabe Saporta! Shut your mouth, it's me."

I don't know anyone named Mee.
It's an odd name.
In fact it sounds like me except-

"Gabe, it's William." it sighed.
Ho-ly Lord.

"You came for me!" I squealed, "I just knew you'd come for me! That's because you're not a heartless wretch...yet. Oh! Oh! I could just kiss you all over! I'm not lonely anymore!" I ran up to him and pulled him into a bear hug.

"Get. Off. Of. Me." William struggled to breath, "Now."
I let go immediately and smiled sheepishly at him.

"Thank you for saving me." I giggled. Whoa, I just giggled.

"I didn't save you. The Phantom is still after us, he has Clair and Pete."

My previous good feeling was gone, "P-P-Pete and C-Clair?" I whimpered.

"Yeah." William said sadly, "I shouldn't have let go of her hand-" he rambled on and on.

"No!" I wailed, William looked annoyed at me, "He can't have them! We need to do something! Like now."

William nodded in agreement.
Let the games begin.
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Just a filler.