Living Has Never Been so Hard

Chapter 1

A Year Later

Jeanne stood in the crowd as Ich Brench Aus blasted through her ears. Sweat trickled down the sides of her face as he feet jumped to the rhythm of the drums. There, she stood in front of her idols, singing to every word that she memorised in her heart.

"Okay. Now, here's Ich Bin Nicht Ich!" Bill screamed to the mic before Gustav beat the song in.

The year was great. New album and new tour dates. It was nothing like Bill could imagine. He never expected to be so famous. He always felt like he should be someone else. Someone... Dangerous.

"Ich Bin Nicht Ich Wenn Du Nicht!" He sang as the fans followed along.

He glanced to his twin brother, who was busy with his guitar and fan girls before averting his eyes to Georg and Gustav. Bill smiled, the widest that he could before looking at the crowd. As he studied each and everyone of the humans that stood in front of him, his eyes landed on a black haired girl.

She was singing to ever single word that Bill was. Deciding to take a closer look, he went forward and reached out his hands for her to grab. However, his plan backfired when the other girls screamed, fighting to try to grab this superstar's hand. He groaned silently before trying to find thee girl, that was now lost in the swarm of girls.

He shook his head and moved back, getting weird glances from the rest of his band members as he continued with the show. As he sang song after song, his eyes was busy scanning for the girl.

Jeanne stood still behind the swarm of girls. She swore that Bill was looking at her and trying to reach out and grab her. She wa silently hyperventilating inside but she soon regain herself and pushed back into the crowd. She finally reached the front and grabbed the railing to make sure she doesn't get pushed back again.

Bill's search was over when that mysterious girl finally came to his view. He smiled at her, however, she didn't smile back.

There he goes again. Jeanne didn't know what to do. She didn't know if she should smile back but what if he thinks that she's full of herself. He might be smiling at someone but who?

Bill was silently screaming to her, telling her to smile back to him. He just needed one smile to make him feel complete. He was sounding very absurb but he didn't care. There was something about this girl that makes him happy, complete, crazy, insane. You name it.

Jeanne was fighting with herself but soon made up her mind and smiled. She didn't know how to describe the feeling that was gushing through the veins and arteries. She felt... Powerful.

Just when hope was fading for Bill, he noticed the girl had flashed a small smile. He took another step forward and reached out to her. She seemed to have understood his intention and reached her hand out to grab his.

Jeanne's heart pounded as her hand got nearer to Bill's. It wasn't because she was going to touch her idol's hand but it was somthing more that was occurring. She couldn't pin point what it was but it was as if Bill was someone she oonce knew. Bill was someone special in her heart but that was impossible to her. How could that be?

Their hands finally connected before a jolt of lightning was felt in them. Bill's head was soon spinning as pain engulfed his body. The same was happening to Jeanne. She winced and groaned before finally, the both of bodies made hard contact to the floor, flashes of their past playing in their heads before they passed out.



Bill groaned as he tried to block the noise out. It was driving him mad.

"Bill. Wake up."

He forced his eyelids open to find himself in a white room as his bodies was pierced with weird machines that were unknown to him.

"Thank God you're alright." Tom heaved a sigh of relief, wiping his face that was trickling down his face ever since Bill fainted yesterday.

It took a while for Bill to come back to reality. He laid there on the hospital bed as events from yesterday night played in his head, especially the flashbacks that he had. Flashes of him and that girl. Times that they had been together. Making love, fighting, bloodshed.

"Urgh..." Bill groaned, grabbing his temple as he slowly massaged it.

It was complicated for him to understand. Who was that girl? Why was she in the flashbacks? What happened yesterday night? Why was there an agoising pain when he tocuhed her hand?


Jeanne tried to get up but her body was too heavy to control. Energy was drained out of her as she tried to open her eyelids. She was tired and drained out.

"What happened?" She asked softly as she shifted her body to a more comfortable position.

The falshbacks was a mystery to her. Who was Bill actually? Was he really a singer or was he something else? It was clearly impossible that lightning can travel into the bodies if there were no sources of electricity nerby. Maybe it was the microphone?

"This is insane..." She groaned, covering her face with a pillow.

It wasn't going to be easy for the two of them. This was definately something that Gustav was afraid of. The curse wasn't over. It was far from over...
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Hope you like it :D Comment and tell what you think :) Don't forget to subcribe XD