My Arranged Marriage to an English Jerk Who's a Vampire Prince, Sucks to Be Me

Chapter 13

This is basically last chapter in Jayden's POV I just thought it would be fun seeing from his perspective
I hope you like it :)

Jayden POV
We made our way back to the games room in the mansion. I was surprised that Delle knew how to play soccer.
And that she could beat me. That was a real strike to my ego, she was a girl. When we went up to the games room we sat down playing video games and pigging out on the Junk food. We started playing a game of Truth and Dare after Nate and Brian managed to send a poor maid out of the house screaming.
“Okay, its Jay’s go” Delle said. I after Delle was the only one who hadn’t gone
“Oh this has to be a good one, how about make him take off his clothes and run around the house?” I glared at Matt.
“No thank you that is a sight I don’t want to see” Delle said
“How about we make him tell us something top secret”
“Like what?” she asked
“Like how many girls he’s cheated on you with so far” I turned to Jay
“I can’t really see any girl wanting him so I’m not too worried about that” She smirked at me and I glared at her. It was strange for me, I couldn’t understand why she hadn’t fallen to my feet yet, why did she do this? If she wasn’t who she was she wouldn’t gone to jail for all the things she had said.
“I’ve got it!” Rod shouted “Jay, your dare is to kiss Delle” My eyes widened. This idiot was supposed t be m friend! I did not want to kiss her.
“No Way!” Delle shouted. I was the only one who noticed her.
“With the tongue, for thirty five seconds”
“Hey! Why do I not get any say in this?” she said
“Why are you chicken?” Rod asked. Her expression changed to anger
“Then do it, we start timing as soon as your lips meet”
“Rod you’re my friend you can’t do this to me!”
“Sorry Delle”
“Rod?” I asked
“Nope, your lips better meet in 3…2…1…” Crap, Crap, Crap. Then I leaned down to kiss her because I knew if I didn’t my friends would never let me forget this. She seemed a bit surprised and sort of started to kiss back. It was…nice, better then with anyone else…I wondered why that was.
I shook off the thought, I still hated Delle.
“We need to see tongue” Someone shouted. Danny I will make your life difficult! I groaned I pulled her closer, my tongue traced her lower lip… she tasted nice. I felt her arm wondering up my muscles…again it felt- I had to use a stronger word then nice, but I didn’t want to say it.
I hate Delle. That much was definitely true however nice it was too kiss her.
“We know you can do better than that Jayden, we walked in on you with Candy, Cindy and Tiff heaps of times” I felt Delle pull away from me.
Crap, crap, crap.
“Candy? Cindy? Tiff?” She asked
There were a few ‘Ooooh’s’ coming from the guys, I made them shut up
“Why? Jealous?” I asked. If she like the kiss then I knew I could get her at my feet in seconds.
“No it just proves my theory of you being an asshole” I gritted my teeth.
Stupid Girl!
“You know you like me Valdelle” I knew she did, they always did.
“Don’t call me that Jayden and don’t count on it you always looked like a pig”
“Okay, you too that was about ten seconds, you both fail” said Rod “The official winners are Nate and Brian” Jeez, why couldn’t he allow us to have one undisturbed fight? My father was making him do this wasn’t he?

The door opened and in came Kyle
“Hey guys, sorry about that my mum wanted me to get my Tux fitted for the ball”
“Huh?” Delle asked. They guys looked at her as though she was an idiot, I realised we hadn’t told her yet. “You can’t forget your own Engagement Ball” Kyle said
“My what?” Kyle turned to me and so did Delle
“Oh yeah, well there is this um ball coming in a few days that’s um for our um wedding thing engagement” Rod looked at Me pathetically.
“Hasn’t Vivien told you?” As if on cue my mother walked in.
“Oh hello boys have you seen Delle? I’ve been looking for her, she needs to get measured up tomorrow” I looked down at Delle, I shot a pleading glance at me, I understood what it meant but it was payback time.
“Here she is” I said pointing down at her.
“Delle I didn’t recognise you”
“You were saying Vivien?”
“Yes, well Gina will be coming over tomorrow to get you measured for your engagement ball, I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you about it sooner, I didn’t get a chance you were out first thing this morning and-”
“That’s fine Vivien”
“Okay dear, you’ll be measured tomorrow morning and the next day your dresses will come,” she smiled “I’m so glad that the two of you have gathered a liking to one another, I would be so upset if you didn’t” I had to hold in a snort. She was going for the good old guilt trap.
“Okay thanks” Delle said. Delle turned to me, she had her hands around my neck as though she was going to strangle me, I didn’t have time to even let out a laugh because my mother walked in again. Suddenly her expression changed and I suddenly felt her lips against mine. I smiled, my mother would never know but if she did I’m sure she would be happy that her little trap worked perfectly, Delle was pretending to like me, suddenly she pulled away.
“Oh Vivien, I’m so sorry you had to see that” she said, she was a pretty good actress, just the right amount of embarrassment though I could see right through i.
“Oh it’s nothing dear, I just forgot to tell you that your fitting is at ten”
“Oh okay” she walked out and I felt her trying to strangle me again, She was angry that it wasn’t working as well as she planned.
“Why did you have to tell her I was here?” I pulled her hands from around my neck.
“Calm down, she’d have to find you sooner or later” She grumbled.
“Fine, I am going upstairs, I’m taking a shower and then I’m going to sleep” I smirked as she left. My lips still bubbling if that was even possible, I was a vampire, I was dead, I wasn’t supposed to feel.
But I did.
She walked out and then we all burst out in laughter.
“Man that was funny” Erik said and that was all we said on the matter.

We played video games for a while until I finally decided it was time to go. I got up and went up to my room. I had a shower because I was sweaty and muddy. Delle’s scent was still in the shower. I didn’t notice her scent before, sort of…fresh, like a new flower or grass. I put a towel around my waist and went into my closet.
That smelt like Delle.
What was she doing in here? a pile of my clothes were over turned. The pile with the boxers. I changed and went to check dell, she was wearing a tank top and boxers. So apparently she had given up on what my mother had bought for her. She was already fast asleep. I lay down and thought, you see it wasn’t necessary for a Vampire to sleep, but we could if we wanted too, we didn’t exactly get tired.

NOTE : Read Author's Note:
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I don't care much for this chapter but next chapter is like WOW! she finds out something that really really really really important
I'm debating on whether or not i should leave a cliff hanger?
I generally a kind person so you may have luck on your side
Sorry for taking so long to post this chapter :)