My Arranged Marriage to an English Jerk Who's a Vampire Prince, Sucks to Be Me

Chapter 24

Jayden POV
I woke up at ten twenty three. Delle was already off doing stuff. I got up and went to my closet, there was a paper in front of me.
Mum coming at 11:00 meet at sitting room – D
Delle, crap I only had half an hour. I changed quickly and gobbled down food. Although I was Vampire my body was man and it was working in that way, I needed to give my body what it needed, human food was like the vegetables and blood was the junk food that we couldn’t live without, like an addiction or drug that if we tried to resist the craving we wouldn’t be able to take it.

When I ate I raced down to the sitting room. It was already three past ten. I opened the door. I saw my mother in law to be my fiancée and my mother sitting together, talking and laughing.
“Oh hello son” My mother said. I took the empty seat.
“Hello Jayden dear” Susan said.
“Hello Mrs Léone”
“Oh please, call me Susan”
“Susan” she smiled at me and I smiled back.
“So I actually did come to visit you and my daughter and spend some Mother-in-law son-in-law time with you, I’ve never had a son you know so I wanted to know if I made a good choice having a daughter” she smiled
“Vice versa” My mother added
“Of course” I said. I didn’t even realise that Delle who had been eying the grand piano in the corner had gotten up to go look at it. I was the first to notice her standing there. I watched with my keen eyesight as her fingers traced over the keys.

She played a single scale then a tune came absentmindedly to her finger tips. She sat down on the seat. She didn’t even realise we had stopped talking. She started playing a beautiful tune, on that I did not recognise, I realised that she must have made it up herself. It was was…pretty; there was no way to explain it, it was sad but happy at the same time… it was so pure.

She added both hands and I noticed that tears were falling from Susan’s eyes and even my mother was in awe.
Delle smiled and the tune played itself, her fingers were running over the keys expertly. She closed her eyes trying to blink away a few tears that were falling and she shook her head as the notes came out as a perfect reflection of her thoughts. The tune slowed to a soft stop and trailed of with a single note. (Song: River flows in You - Yiruma)
She took her fingers off the keys and wiped her eyes.

Susan burst into a fit of tears. Delle looked up as if realising we were still in the room.
“Delle why don’t you and I have some Mother-in-law daughter-in-law time?” Delle nodded looking worriedly at her mother but walked off.
“Susan are you okay?” I asked. She nodded her head.
“I’m so sorry, I never thought that I would ever hear that song again”
“Where was it from?”
“Delle made it up with her father, their favourite song, it’s beautiful isn’t it?” I nodded.
“He was the one that taught her to play the piano” She wiped her tears and smiled.
“Oh” I said slightle confused. Susan smiled
“The Delle that always wears black, doesn’t do anything, goes to parties and gets drunk isn’t the real Delle”
“Then who is?”
“You must be very confused. Well as you probably know my husband passed away a year ago, his name was Darren and he and Delle were as close as anyone could possibly be. Before he died Delle was a literal incarnation of an Angel on Earth” I failed to hold in a snort, but Susan wasn’t angry, she just looked at me sadly.

“Before Darren died Delle was a straight A student, commended by her teachers they always said she would go far she was an extremely popular girl everyone liked her. It was quite impossible not to. She was captain of the soccer team her team always thought that she above the school deserved to keep the trophies. She won awards for her piano playing, she was school captain, valedictorian, homecoming queen. And she is very beautiful when she wears different colours. I was so surprised when I came and I saw her in yellow” she sniffled

“When Darren died Delle was…crushed as anyone would be, she didn’t eat anything for a whole week, she didn’t talk to anyone for a month, she didn’t do anything for two. Finally after three months later she decided that she would pull it together somewhat for me although she started getting straight A’s again but the teachers said she wouldn’t put her hand up or speak only when she was asked a direct question.
She refrained from anything that reminded her of her father like Soccer she quit the team she stopped Singing or listening to music, Playing the Piano was definitely gone and those games the two of them used to play on the T.V were gone also” I remembered when I played Delle on the first day when all of a sudden the controls dropped from her hand and she froze. My slow beating heart ached a little bit for her pain
But why did I care?
“She’s been through something that no person her age should have to go through” then Susan smiled “Just when you were walking in Delle was telling me about how you and the boys played soccer and how she sang at the Karaoke”
“She also played Fifa World Cup on the X-Box and could’ve beaten all our asses” Susan smiled.
“Thank you so much Jayden, whatever you are doing appears to be working”
“Actually I want to thank you Susan for telling me this, I think I can understand her better through this” It was true, I think I finally started to get her and I felt bad for her. She had only lived seventeen years of life and her father had gone and he was the one who she loved so much.
Wait, was I sympathising with Delle? I already knew the answer.
Yes; yes I was.

(ME:) So I have this theory that EVERYONE on Quizilla is a girl...not that we're on quizilla right now but iff you do go on quizilla and you're a guy reading this story (Somewhat unlikely) or if you know of a guy on quizilla - please speak up and message me or i will die of curiousity!