My Arranged Marriage to an English Jerk Who's a Vampire Prince, Sucks to Be Me

Chapter 27

So I was going to leave you hanging for another week or so but these lovely people convinced me to write another chapter:
Thank you guys for commenting on my writing page thingy and I know some of you wrote your messages a while ago but really thankyou for your awesome comments!

Jayden POV
Time passed. The situation had not improved but it was stable. Delle was dropping in and out of consciousness. The doctor had left saying there was not much he could do for her. My mother was sleeping in the next door room and there was a maid outside our door at all times. Right now I was keeping her cool.
Delle’s eyes flickered open.
“Jayden?” she asked
“I’m right here Delle” she sighed
“I feel like there’s this war going on inside me”
“You better fight and win or I’ll never forgive you”
“Sometimes I feel like…I’m gonna lose”
“Why?” I asked “You chicken?” she frowned
“I’m not a chicken”
“I. Am. Not”
“Prove it”
“You wait, I will” she slipped out again.

I hadn’t slept or moved in about two days. Delle was sleeping, or I thought she was until she spoke.
“Hey Jay” Delle said suddenly
“Why are you here?” she asked
“Why not? You are my fiancé, I don’t want anything to happen to you”
“So…you don’t hate me?”
“I did but then I got to know you”
“I know I wouldn’t be able to stand it if you went away” she smiled.
“I could totally live with this side of you”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked
“I mean that I will marry you without complaining”
“Are you delusional at the moment?”
“No, I mean what I say I don’t mind marrying you anymore”
“I don’t think I mind marrying you either” then she smiled
“But sometimes I still hope you would drown” with that she fell asleep again and I couldn’t resist a smile.

“Her situation seems to be worsening” the doctor said.
I was silent, there was nothing I could or would say. I could hear her heart beat, it was slowing. The doctor walked out giving her another dose of medication and my mother followed. The maid was stationed outside the door.
“Valdelle” I said, shaking her slightly
“What? I’m trying to get some rest and its getting hot again” I smiled at her feeble attempt to be her old self.
“Delle, you can’t leave me at the altar”
“I’m not, I’m just taking a little break from fighting, but don’t worry, I’ve got the whole wedding planed out in my head, Candy, Cindy and Tiff are going to be the bridesmaids. I’ve got the perfect dress. Pink, huge and puffy” I laughed at the image that came to mind. The dress was hideous.

“You do that, I’m sure they would be honoured” I could hear Delle’s heart rate improving slightly as she fell asleep.

She stayed awake after that, she managed to be awake for a whole day and regain a normal sleeping pattern. She also decided to eat something, she had waffles with strawberries and whipped cream and a hot chocolate. I asked the maid to call the doctor and he too said she was improving. The next day Delle sat up and watched some T.V while I had a shower. The guys came over to visit and we played Fifa on X-Box.
“I have decided that from now on I refuse to play against Delle because she makes me look like I’m playing like a girl” she raised her eyebrows.
“Thanks Kyle” she said and he grinned and shrugged.