My Arranged Marriage to an English Jerk Who's a Vampire Prince, Sucks to Be Me

Chapter 32

I was in awe at what I saw.
I grabbed on to Jay seeing how high up we were.
“It’s beautiful, but how did we-”
“No questions” I turned around, he was smiling. So my surprise hadn’t ended at the party. I looked at what was behind him. A small round table, it had a single red rose in the middle. There was food on it and candle’s surrounding this tower. I could see the darkness setting in over the horizon making the candles shine even more brightly.

Jayden held the chair out for me and I sat down. Then he took the other side.
“That dress looks beautiful on you, better then I imagined”
“You got it for me?”
“Do you like it?”
“Love it” I said. He smiled, then a strange feeling came across me, like I was…..proud that that smile belinged to me that he was going to be mine. Music came on, I didn’t even realise a music system was here. We ate and talked as the music set a perfect aura.
“Oh man I almost forgot your birthday present!”
“The dress is enough” I said, “it must have been very expensive” he ignored that and got something from his pocket. It was a small rectangular box. Not the type that would hold a ring –which I still hadn’t got – I didn’t actually know what it would hold.
“Happy Birthday” he said handing it to me. I opened it. Inside was a glistening golden pendent. It was covered with gold filigree, I had no idea how many Karats it was put it definitely wasn’t hollow.
“Oh my” I said tracing my fingers over it. It was attached to a gold chain. “It’s beautiful”

“It was my great, great, great, great, great, great…grandmother’s, her name was Vientiane” My eyes popped. That’s why it seemed slightly familiar, this was the locket given to the Queen by her husband (Yes I had been secretly looking through the box) I had found other sheets of paper. The locket was given to Jarren when the queen was killed by her brother. It had a gorish history but….
Wait. What did that mean Jayden was? He couldn’t have been a Léone because he was a Marriott.
“Do you know much about her?” I asked
“No, all information about her was burned years ago”
“No one knows”
“Thankyou, it’s beautiful” he smiled, well a cockish grinn rather.
“You want to put that on yourself?”
“Nope” I said, I smiled and he took the necklace out, my skin tingled where he brushed his fingers against my neck.

“Will you dance with me?” Jayden asked. I smiled, have you ever heard the expression swept of my feet?
Well this really did. I knew about the friendly side of Jayden but this romantic one was very, very nice.
And I think I was…..falling for it.
I took has hand and he pulled me up. The music was turned up. A Celine Dion song ‘Falling into you’ (me: rather Ironic!)
He twirled me around. I’ve never been much of a dancer but I think if someone saw us right now we would look like those people one the dancing shows. He was a good dancer and strong, I felt my self being twirled and lifted into the air. Then I took one of my hands from his and slipped it around his neck and leaned my head against his chest.
My eyes closed and we swayed as the song finished.
I remembered back to when I first met him. The asshole-ish guy.
The HOT asshole-ish type of guy I thought to myself. I wonder what brought on this change.
More importantly, does he feel the same way you think you feel about him???
♠ ♠ ♠
To get the Full effect of this moment you HAVE to listen to the song:
Falling Into you
by: Celine Dion