My Arranged Marriage to an English Jerk Who's a Vampire Prince, Sucks to Be Me

Chapter 34

I fell accidentally in love.
But I was happy I did.
We had gone back to the other party. Questions were asked but Jayden took care of that. Only a few people noticed the heart shaped pendent. I received many other presents from others, pieces of jewellery, clothes, shin pads…(The Guys) but Jayden’s locket was definitely the best next to my mother’s gift. It was my father’s most prized possesion, his first soccer ball. It was an old piece of junk that was hung up on a stand in our special shelf back at home. Her gift had sentimental value to me.
I think that Jayden’s gift did as well. Finally we were excused to go.

“I feel like I’m about to fall over” I had taken my heels off and they were swinging by my side, my other hand was around Jaydens waist. He had his arms on my shoulders.
“You should, it’s three in the morning” Then I felt my feet being lifted off the floor.
“Thanks” I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head against his chest. “How come you’re so cold?”
“I just am, always”
“Is that normal?”
“My whole family is like this, you’re a little cold as well”
“That’s because it’s cold now” he shook is head
“Your body temperature is a little lower then usual”
“How do you know?”
“I just do” I cocked my head, he was either lying or telling the truth, I didn’t see the point in him lying.
“That’s strange” He seemed in thought too. We were at our room. All of a sudden I was kind of nervous. What was going to happen, we had both said that we loved eachother, did that mean that we were going to take it to the next stage? Oh, I don’t know, I’m way too tired to discuss such things, even in my head. Jayden put me down. I was momentarily frozen.
“You should have shower and get changed” he said.
“Right” I went up to my closet and selected a pink night dress. Not as skimpy as it could’ve been but it did show a good part of my chest and the thing was I wasn’t even embarrased. I showered with nice smelling scented soap and changed. Then I came out. Jayden had seemed to shower somewhere else because his hair was wet. He was wearing his usuall attire, boxers and top. It was a little sad about the top part but it did outline his muscles so I wasn’t really complaining. He was reading.
“What are you reading?” he showed me the book. I made a face “Crytical analysis by Plato? You can get through that without falling asleep?”
“The reason I read it before bed” I smiled. I got into bed and lay on my side. Jay switched off the light.
“Why so far away?” he asked. I smiled to myself. I pulled myself closer to him and weeded my way between his arms which tightened around me.
“Kiss Me” I ordered and he did. I rolled over so I was on top of him and I lay my head on his chest.
I was comfortable right here. I pulled off his shirt and started tracing the plains of his bare chest and eventually fell asleep.
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Okay the usuual - sorry sorry I haven't updated in ages and yes I know some of you want to know what happens next and you're gonna say 'It's okay for you! You already know what's going to happen" then I'm going to be like 'Sorry Sorry' and well...
Let's just skip all that crap and go to the important goss:
Yes the story is going on rather nicely. I'm almost finished writing it at home and contemplating on whether or not i should write a sequel. I don't really have as much drive as i did for this one but maybe i might get around to it..I think that the sequel is a pretty good idea, it has a few more different vamps in it...not that i'm saying anything know.
Next i SERIOUSLY need to say THANKYOU! to all those WONDERFUL PEOPLE that message and comment on my page and my story. I have to say that i seriously love you guys and wouldn't be writing anything without you. Now I'll stop ranting on about crap and get on with it. I *Insert heart here* U