My Arranged Marriage to an English Jerk Who's a Vampire Prince, Sucks to Be Me

Chapter 36

This is THE Chapter the one you are all waiting for. The one you want to see action in and the one that will be followed with chapters that answer all your questions.
(BTW Thankyou I didn't notice i posted the last chapter twice, I deleted it so it's all good)
But First I decided a random note from me: Unfortunately Mibba doesn't do Italics and i just realised that u guys are probably wondering what the hell is going on when Delle is talking to someone and then after reading it three times you realise that she is actually talking to herself in her head...sorry about that know that i meant to have Italics but it didn't work out. :)

To start off, we are in DELLE'S POV

Holy Crap, Holy Crap, Holy Crap
Deep breaths. It. Is. Okay.
Like hell its okay.
Can’t you leave me alone you stupid voice in my head?
No Sorry.
I gritted my teeth. I ddin’t need this now. I looked down at my engagement ring (Which I had finally gotten) and stared as it glimmered with a few rays of sunlight.
Just then there was a knock on door. My mother walked in followed by many different people of most who I didn’t recognise.
But luckily for me – not – one of them happened to be Gina, the one who had dressed me for the ball.
“Ah, zis is ze girl? Yes, I remember you, get up, get washed, we ‘ave much work to do. Chop chop”

I was getting married today.
“Dude, your getting married today”
“Thanks Rod, I hadn’t realised” I said to my best man.
“Anytime dude” I looked at myself in the mirror, I was wearing a tux, I had convinced my parents to not have the crown, Delle still didn’t know what I was and I was afraid of telling her. I was a chicken – though it repulsed me to compare myself to the stupid animal – it was what I was. I was scared that if she found out she would leave me.
And I wouldn’t be able to deal with that.
I looked myself down, If I wasn’t already in love – and had a straight sexual orientation - I tell you it wouldn’t have been difficutlfor me to fall in love with myself.
I know, I was cocky, but I was born that way.
But lucky for me I had found my matching piece, in the strangest way possible.
I hadn’t really delved into the mystery surrounding the reasons of why my parents had chosen Delle for me. I hadn’t cared less, but there was something I had over heard, something about Delle that was special – and not just to me but it was important. My parents didn’t know what but that’s why they had chosen her.
Whatever. I seriously used my brain too much even though it was difficult not to.

“Okay dude, it’s time to go” Rod put a hand on my shoulder. “You got lucky with Delle you know” he said. I did know, I knew very well.
“Yeah Rod, thanks for always being there for me” he looked at me and grinned.
“Same as bro” he mocked punched me and walked out of the door.
Let the show begin.

Delle POV
I looked at me teary mother.
“My little baby” she sobbed “All grown up! Getting Married!” she cried out again.
Wow. I never knew she was this emotional.
Rod walked in just then.
“Hey Delle” he said kissing me on the cheek. “You look gorgeous. It’s time to go Sue” He said turning to my mother. She nodded and gave me another hug then walked out of the door followed by a wink from Rod. I turned back to see myself. Gina had sereously gone over the top but I had to say…I looked pretty with my gown and my elaborately braided hair.

There was a knock on the door, probably one of the guys.
“Come in” I said. But in walked in someone I had never seen before. He looked familiar though…he had a tight expression on his face, a black mustache and sleek black hair, he was about Jayden’s age and he was beautiful.
“Hi, do I know you?”
“We’ve met in another life”
Huh? I looked at him, I knew it was stupid but he reminded me of those villains in the movies , he fit it perfectly but he looked….bad, he had this force that was coming off him, something dark and evil.
“Who are you?” My voice broke, whoever this guy was, he had to leave.
“Now now my dear, I don’t want any trouble from you” he smiled. I felt something cold and hard comedown on my head. The last thing I remembered was the agonizing pain ripping down my back.
Jayden! I screamed inwardly…
Then only darkness.