My Arranged Marriage to an English Jerk Who's a Vampire Prince, Sucks to Be Me

Chapter 40

Delle POV

My breathing quickened. My brain repulsed and saddened at what I had just seen. That child, that poor inocent girl had been murdered by that moster. He fear I had before not only trippled but was mixed with anger that was pointless, there was nothing, nothing I could do to stop him.
Then Rathbone turned to me, the young girls blood had apparently been a trigger of somesort, he now wanted me.
I saw him come closer but I heard a loud bang and shouts. Then I saw a glowing figure, with ocean blue eyes and golden blond hair.
Rathbone smiled.
“Ah, young Prince” Jayden looked at me, he saw the fear in my eyes, then there was something else, a flicker and razor sharp teeth came out of his mouth.
“NO!” I screamed. Jayden, my Jayden was one of them, one of the killers. “NO!” I cried again, the tears pouring out. I turned away from both of them. Rathbone laughed.
“Looky here your magesty, it looks like your queen resents you”
“Rathbone!” Jayden growled.
“HA!” He shouted “Tell her your magesty, tell her how you are the ‘ruler’ of all Vampires. Tell her how you had planned to turn her and make her queen” I looked away from Jayden and Rathbone laughed again. “So now, you know young prince, that I plan to do away with you”
“You can’t be king! My father will have another heir!”
“You are mistaken Jayden, you know the law very well, If the first heir to the Throne Perish’s the only way the King and Queen can have another heir is if there are none other to take the throne”
“The people will never accept you”
“They don’t have to, it is law, as soon as I kill Vientiane’s heir, I who should have been the true king will rise to power, so say good bye Jayden”
“NO!” I screamed. “Vientiane Adelaide Léone!” It was not me speaking, it was another voice. Suddenly I felt weird, like I didn’t own my body anymore, like I was just an onlooker.
“It will not do any good killing him Rathbornio” I said or at least it came out of my mouth, I didn’t sound like me, my voice was much too powerful.
“Were you not listening to anything I said? Fool, I must kill him to become king”
“No” This time it was me “Killing him won’t do you any good”
“Stop waisting my time” he said turning back to Jayden who he had pinned on the floor.
“He’s not the true heir!” I screamed again. This time they both looked up. I ignored them, It was me, I was the heir of this evil breed of creatures.
“It’s me” I said and I showed them my hand which more the beatiful rose mark.
“The Rose of Ane” All it took was that moment of distraction for Jayden to gain the advantage. I watched in horror as he tore apart Rathbone once and for all. I watched as burned the peaces and then, when my head could no longer handle anymore. I fainted.
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