Remembering February

First Time

This day is when my life changed, the day that I finally learn to love someone, the day I learned how to be happy.

13th February 2008
It sucked that everything’s just messed up, by this point I don’t know what the fuck am I supposed to do with my life, I’m just an ordinary girl who wants to be happy. Well real lives there are no happy endings right?

I was walking out of my class and out of nowhere, I froze.
There he was, just standing there gorgeous, oh my fucking god how can I adore him when I didn’t even know him.

Ryan Ross.
That’s his name.

I shouldn’t even like him; I mean he’s a superstar. What am I? I’m just an ordinary girl with brunette hair, and pale white skin, also dark green eyes, and adore someone, like Ryan Ross.


Ugh I feel like I’m gonna throw up, I bet he doesn’t even know that I exist.

“Zooey!” It sound like my best friend calling me from a distance.

“Hey Katy, what’s up?” I said as she walked towards me with her boyfriend.

“Hey Zooey”


God she’s so lucky to have a boyfriend like Brendon Urie, especially tomorrow’s valentine’s day.


I wish I had someone.

Someone who can make me happy.

Someone like Ryan Ross.

My one and only wish is to talk to him.

I should’ve asked Brendon, to hook me up with Ryan, but it’s inappropriate, given that I barely knew him.

This day just get worse by the minute.

Look at all the girls who hang out with Ryan, how could I beat those girls to win Ryan over.

Yeah, right.

“Zooey? Zooey?”

“Huh? What?”

“Didn’t you hear what I just said?”

“Oh yeah right”

“You were looking at him huh?”

“What? No”

Oh shit.
Have I ignored all of the stuff that’s been going on for five minutes?
Great I’m daydreaming now.

“Who are you looking at?”

“What? No one”

This secret crush thing is making me crazy; I mean I haven’t even told my best friend yet. I’m afraid that she would tell Brendon, and all of the band members would laugh at me. I’d rather stay invisible than a girl who had a crush for someone she doesn’t even know.

“Zoe, what’s up? You know you can tell me anything right”

Yeah right, but what if she tells everyone, what if she laugh at me, what if she make a gossip about this.

I’m pathetic.

“No Kate I’m fine, seriously”

“Fine, you can tell me when you’re ready”

What the fuck?
Ready for what?
I’m getting a feeling that she thinks I’m pregnant.

“Kate, wait”



“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?"

“What? What the hell? No!”

“Okay okay! Then tell me what’s going on with you”

“I don’t think I can,”

“Come on, Zoe.”

“Ugh okay fine, I like someone” God I got that out of my chest.

“Who?!” I can see the enthusiasm in her face.

“Bren, can I talk to Katy alone please”

“Okay, fine”

“So who’s the lucky guy?”

“Ryan Ross” I said with a small voice, so she wouldn’t hear it.

“Oh my god!”

Crap she heard it.

“Why didn’t you told me earlier?”

“Shy, I guess.”

So that conversation lasted about 1 hour, but the great thing is that she was cool with it, and promised not to tell Brendon.

But still tomorrow’s valentine’s day.

And here I am alone in my bedroom.


So I start playing my guitar, and write a song about today, then I fell asleep and dreamed about him.

He talked to me.
He asked me questions.
Ryan Ross was having conversation with me.
Then I woke up
I’m late.

14th February 2008

Everybody’s in love.
Love is in the air.
Except for me.

Ryan is in his usual spot with girls all around him. Great Ryan got flowers from all of those girls.
It seems like those girls doesn’t have lives other than followed Ryan everywhere he goes.
Well I’m jealous of course, how could I not be jealous? Every girl there knew him, and even talked to him. Well me? I don’t even know him.

Sixth period.
I decided to skip class, because math sucks, the teacher sucks, the lesson sucks, everything sucks.

Before I knew it, I was alone in the hallway; everybody has gone to his or her classes.
I walked towards the door, to go outside. There’s an empty bench, so I sat there, reading a book the one with vampires in it, and the girl who risk everything to be with him.
What was the book called?
Oh yeah ‘Twilight’.

“Hey Zooey” A beautiful voice came from a distance
I looked back and...
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry if there are some wrong grammar, anyways this is my first chapter, hope you'll like it :D