Remembering February

A Chance

I froze.
I can’t breathe.
My eyes are wide open.
My hands are shaking
My palms are sweating.
God what the hell is wrong with me?

“ He-e-ey” Good god what’s wrong with my voice

“ Are you okay?”

“ Yeah, I’m fine-e-e”

“ Are you sure?”

Oh my god I can’t stop staring at him, he’s gorgeous
His eyes
His red mouth
His face
He’s perfect

“ Hello? Are you there?”

“ Huh? What? Yeah”

“ Why aren’t you at class Zoe?”

How the hell does he know my name?

“ Hmm, I’m sick?”

“ Oh sorry, are you okay?”

“ Yeah I’m great, how do you know my name”

“ You’re Katy’s best friend, of course I knew”

“ Oh right Katy” Why is it always about Katy? She’s the popular one, she’s the one who has a
boyfriend so apparently everything’s about her.


“ And you’re the smartest kid in class”

He melted me.

“ What? No, I mean, I’m not”
“ Well, whatever you say buddy”

I’m his buddy? Oh my god I can’t stop smiling, I’m giggling, I’m chuckling.
Then he heard me

“ What’s so funny?”

“ Nothing” but I’m still giggling.

What’s wrong with me???
Oh yeah him.

“ Sixth period’s over, see you later”

“ Yeah bye”

That was it.
That was my conversation with him.
With Ryan Ross

I wish I could have more time with him, to get to know him. But that’s never going to happen
huh? Well at least he knows my name, but that’s it. I wish I could run up to him to ask him out, or grab a dinner I guess

I can’t stop smiling till I got to my bedroom and open my facebook. I clicked on search and typed ‘ George Ryan Ross’, and then I opened his facebook. I was shocked.
I can’t believe what I just saw
A picture.
A picture of Ryan
Ryan and his girlfriend

“ What the fuck?!” I shouted to myself.

I didn’t know that he has a girlfriend, I checked her name and it was Keltie. Great this is just what I need on valentine. I thought I might have a chance with him. I guess I’m wrong.

Oh no.
What the hell?
Am I crying?
Are these tears?
Why am I crying?

I’ve never felt this way before, I feel like shit. I just want to scream loudly, so that people would feel what I feel.

I feel thousand heartbreak.
What’s wrong with me? Why am I crying over a guy I barely knew?
I’m stupid,
I’m pathetic,
Yet I can’t stop thinking about him.

15th February 2008

Great another day, another drama, another story, god I feel sick, I’m gonna throw up, I can’t feel my eyes because of tears I just wasted for a guy.

I don’t wanna come to school and face him. I want to forget about him, forget about everything that happened yesterday. I feel dizzy, my head my stomach hurts.

Everything becomes black
And when I woke up I was in my bed.
I was lying there staring at the ceiling
I fainted.

It was Katy beside me, she brought me soup, and hot tea, and she also brought Brendon.

Now I’m thinking about Ryan Ross and that Keltie girl.

“ What happened?” I said with a broken voice

“ I was going to ask you if you’re ready to go to school, but I opened your apartment, and there you were, lying on the floor. What going on with you Zoe? What happened?”

“ Ryan Ross happened,” I said with an angry tone.
I hope Brendon didn’t hear it.

“ Why? What’s wrong with him?”

“ He talked to me”

“ That’s great!”

“ No, it’s not”

“ What? Why?”

“ He has a girlfriend”

“ Gosh, I’m sorry”

“ Hey Kate where should I put this pan?” That voice came from the kitchen.

“ Put it on the cupboard” Katy said as she walked towards the kitchen to help a guy.

“ Who the hell is that guy?” I said to myself.

“ Hey, I hope you feel better” A voice came from a person next to me

What the fuck?

♠ ♠ ♠
okay so this is my second chapter, i know Zooey seemed pathetic well she's in a major crush, but i hope you guys enjoyed it