Nobody's Boy

Yes, this is a Slash.
I know you lovelies out there like a bit of slash, so why not give writing it a go?


I haven't specified the years this is written so I can have a bit of freedom in the writing. It could be set in the days of old, or the present or even the robot filled future- who knows? Not me!

Gavin Butler is a 17 year old upperclass rich boy who attends a private school and has a massive house by the bay.

Sean Smith is an annoying little poor kid, of the same age, who spends his time playing, instead of working to help support his family.

Enjoy my lovelies, and click the comment button to give feedback or just to say hi, its up to you.
  1. I Met Him On The Wednesday.
  2. Coming clean
    Title credit: Green Day.
  3. One of my lies.
    Title credit: Green Day.