

The room was flooded with an orange sunlight, highlighting the translucent smoke that swirled upward in curls and loose circles, carefully floating in the humid air and though a filthy screen window, out into a lazy summer afternoon. One lounged atop a pile of dirty clothes, a smirk adorning his crooked and lips, while the other was sprawled out lazily over a mattress, his greasy hair plastered to his warm forehead. Together, almost in perfect sync, they suckled on their short rolls of paper, their red eyes unfocused and occasionally finding each other.

The older boy’s numb leg gradually slide off the side of his bed, landing with a small plop, and soon enough he was on his hands and knees. Slowly, he maneuvered himself toward his companion, laying his heavy head on his stomach and beginning to rub his cheek against it childishly. The boy above him chuckled and reached around the boy’s neck, bringing him closer, and absentmindedly began to place his dry lips on his skin. Above them, the sun began to descend into the horizon, sending out flares of red and yellow on the tips of their hair and skin. Their arms danced around each other awkwardly, both of their elbows bent upward holding up their cannabis, until they meshed into one another comfortably.

The older started to murmur sweet nothings, his head lopsidedly dangling above the younger boy’s ear, his lips dripping with hunger. He wrapped his arms around the small torso underneath him, lazily sucking up the smoke that left his friend’s lips, and closed his squinting eyes contentedly. It was only when their heads were in the sky that they could explore each other, when they wouldn’t remember, but somehow couldn’t forget. Together they ran from everything that told them that they were wrong. They ran from the past, the present, and if they had enough, the future. Their bodies craved the mess of tangled weeds, that sweet sense of freedom, and truth be told the only other thing they needed was each other.

The other one leant down and began to kiss the others forehead, his lips thin and soft. For a few minutes they would do that, until they knew they had to stop. Once again they placed the homemade rolls in their mouths and let the smoke travel downward to their lungs, their hearts beginning to race faster and faster, their quiet laughter growing louder. Their stomachs began to cry out and hand in hand they helped each other stand, one foot at a time, and together they traveled up a flight of stairs to the kitchen where a plate of chocolate brownies waited for them. Just as always, the older of the two took a piece, cut it down the middle, and slid what seemed to be the bigger half away across the table. The sweet rolled down his throat, filling up his empty stomach, sitting directly across his smiling best friend, his secret lover.
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Thank you very much for reading.