
Was Kept

Up, up, up we go, into the sky so blue, melt into it, soar right through it. Kiss the heavens, wrap up in the clouds--cirrus, so they might be a little chilly. Smile, and the stars become freckles, invisible in the daylight, invincible in the night. Why don't you flash me a grin so bright it puts the moon to shame? A little higher up and we're good to go, it's good to know that you're here with me, that neither of us are alone.

Down, down, down we go, to touch the rose so red, represents love and lust, shares its color with blood and trust. Trust me with this, just give me your hand, just give me some time, we'll figure this out, you can just be mine. Oh, it's too late now, you're already taken, didn't know that though, hoped it wasn't so, but it's too late and now I'm soaring back up, up, up all alone, to find peace in the only place where my company was kept.