
Forget Me

Lip busted. Or chewed, however you like to put it. Tired and naked, fresh out of the shower, get quickly dressed, hair still wet but go outside without regret. Sit back down and wonder, try to find out why, what you did or didn't do. Bite harder on lip while you think in vain, glance over and see the reflection in the mirror and ponder, why I am the way I am and why I'm not out yonder ((to infinity, and beyond)), eyes dry and burning with tears that have yet a reason to fall. Song stuck in my head, so repetitive, horror movie ((not better than a B)) playing on my TV screen. Happy as a lark in that numb kinda way, lift the bottle to my lips and take a deep sip ((only water, you know, gotta keep that control)), just know, if nobody remembers me I can't come back.

So just forget me