Here Goes Nothing

Ella and Sarah have always been best friends. They used to say "best friends forever!", that must have been before he came along.
  1. Karma
    When life throws you lemons, make lemonade. Don't squeeze the lemons and forget what you were doing.
  2. Mom Knows Best
    Not only do moms have eyes on the back of their heads, but they also have a wicked skill for getting you out of things.
  3. HGC Out!
    You know, I know, Everyone knows, NO ONE wants to be a third wheel.
  4. Dreamer
    When something goes wrong, it seems everything from then on does aswell.
  5. It's a Love Story.. or Not.
    I love Taylor Swift's music, anyone can relate to her songs.
  6. Dad
    this is a filler, no more to say :)
  7. A Secret Plan
    When the darkside does something for the goodside, it's then when you need to ask yourself, is the good side actually good? Or is the dark side just not as good as the good side as assumed to be?
  8. The Dilemma
    Life is a BItch. Life is your bitch. Do what you want with it.
  9. An Old Friend
    Good Friends are hard to find, keep them close and never let them go.
  10. The Break Up
    You don't really know someone, until you walk a mile in their shoes. That's when you realize that they have really cheap shoes, and your feet hurt.