Status: ATTENTION: I am about to start rewriting this. Please see my latest journal for details!

Before It Rains

Chapter 8

My first day finally settled down around 9:30. After dinner, Ruben and I had gone to Kai and Shane’s shared room to watch a movie with the rest of the crew. Asia obviously wasn’t there, as she wasn’t allowed, but I had promised her I’d come by her dorm in the morning to hang out with her. I was definitely going to need some girl time after tonight. Holy crow, these guys were a handful.

We didn’t have to worry about my curfew - we made it by over two hours. Ruben and I hadn’t really been on a normal sleep pattern in the past twenty-four hours, and we weren’t about to start now, but we both knew we needed to be alone for a while to regroup. We both pulled out our laptops and logged on. I decided to get on and write a more detailed email to Layla and Hanna.

Hey you two!
I didn’t have a lot of time earlier... really. I guess you already know how I ended up here and all that... so I’ll tell you all about what’s cool here.
Pretty much all my friends here are guys. Like, I woke up this morning and Ruben had already made a friend named Austin and they were both just kinda in our room watching me. Weird much? Yeah, and did I mention I’m sharing a room with my brother? There weren’t even any rooms left by the time we got here so we have to share. In the boys dorm. Yeah, Hanna, I know that probably makes you very excited, and it isn’t bad, but it’s weird and I met this girl named Asia but she’s not allowed to come in my room because no other girls are allowed in the boy’s dorm! So yeah there are lots of cute guys and maybe I can steal Ruben’s camera and take some pics, like I said before. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them haha. School starts in 6 days... yay. So I’m going to go to bed now and you both need to email me lots! Love to y’all. Sam.

And with that I shut the laptop, and for the third time today, drifted off to sleep.

I didn’t really wake up the way I planned. You know, it still being summer vacation, I was planning to sleep the morning away and get up late-ish. Well, thanks to my wonderful new friends, that didn’t happen.

It starting with whispering... actually, whispering would probably pushing it. I flickered my eyes open for only a second only realize that all the guys were sitting on Ruben’s bed ten feet away. I quickly closed my eyes again and rolled over to face the wall.

“She opened her eyes! She’s up!” hissed one of the guys. I hadn’t known them long enough to be able to distinguish their voices, but I was pretty sure it was Max.

“Oh, shut up, just let her sleep for God’s sake!” Austin? Maybe?

“She’s awake! I know she is!” Yup, Shane. I didn’t anticipate what came next. All of a sudden, there was a heavy weight on my bed, and my covers went phoph! I sat up and turned around. Of course, Shane was lying on the left side of my bed. I pushed him and my blankets off the side of the bed and again, he fell to the floor.

“Owwww,” he complained. “Sam!”

“Shane!” I responded. Then I turned to the rest of them.

“What the heck are you all doing in our room at...” I looked at the clock. “9:12 in the morning? Really now! Don't y'all have something better to do than terrorize poor Sam in the wee hours of the morning?”

Kai shrugged. “Ruben let us in.”

I turned to my brother. “Ruben...”

“They made me,” he whined. I rolled my eyes at him.

“Well, while your all busy arguing over whose fault this really is, I’m going to go eat,” Austin said getting off the bed.

“Seriously, is that all you people do around here?” I asked. “Eat, sleep, and irritate Sam?”

Max grinned. “Pretty much.” They were all heading for the door. “Coming Sam?”

“Do I look like I’m coming? I’m going back to bed,” I groaned. “Get Shane out of here.”

“See you!” said Austin, and they all left.

I had good intentions of going back to sleep, but after all that there was a snowball’s chance in hell of that happening. I got up off my much disturbed bed, bedding all over from Shane’s little stunt, an got some clothes out of my dresser, heading for the shower.

Half an hour later, I was showered, dressed, and ready for Thursday. The guys still weren’t back yet, so I decided to walk over to A and see if I could find Asia.

Not only was the outside of A pretty much identical to B, but the inside was too. I wandered the halls for a couple minutes before a girl finally came out of one of the doors and started walking in my direction. I stopped her.

“Hi, do you know where Asia’s room is?” I asked her. I could’ve added the last name, it probably wouldn’t of hurt, but then again, the chances of there being another Asia here were slim and none and slim just left town.

“Uh... yeah. That room I just came out of... fifth door on the right. I’m her roommate, Elise.”

“Hi, I’m Sam,” I said, introducing myself. “Thanks.”

“Sure thing,” she said, and kept walking. I headed down to the door she had pointed out and knocked.

“Come in!” Asia yelled. I opened the door and she smiled.

“Sam! I wasn’t expected to see you until later. Actually I was going to come find you later, but I didn’t want to wake you up or anything.”

I frowned. “Oh, I was up. All the guys were in my room this morning before 9:30, and Shane decided to belly flop onto my bed.”

She rolled her eyes. “Ugh, Shane. And to think I actually liked him last year. He’s not a bad guy, but he can be really...” she trailed off, looking for the right word.

“Aggressive?” That had been my first impression anyway. She nodded. “You liked him?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she told me. “For almost four months. But then I found out he liked my roommate, and that was a little too much. I got over it.”

I went over and sat in one of the chairs, almost identical to the ones in the rooms back over in B.

“So,” I started. “Tell me about the guys. All of them. Austin, Max, Shane, and Kai.” I ticked them off on my fingers.

She laughed. “You really want to know?” she smiled knowingly.

I smiled back. “You bet. Shoot.” Oh, boy. Story time.
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Boring chapter.. sorry!