Status: ATTENTION: I am about to start rewriting this. Please see my latest journal for details!

Before It Rains

Chapter 9

“I’m not gonna tell you everything. That’s for me to know and you to find out.” I sighed, but I knew she was right. “Okay, so...” she started, but before she could finish, her cell phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and looked at the screen.

“Max,” she said, and flipped it open. “Hey... yeah... yeah... no, not now... later... seriously? Okay, yeah, be there in five. Yup, see you.” She flipped the phone shut. “They’re having sports sign-ups down in the main building. I want to go sign-up for soccer tryouts. Come on! She headed towards the door and I followed. My informational session would have to wait.

The main building was crowded. I seriously could believe that this many people wanted to play sports, but hey, I couldn’t make their decisions for them!

I spotted the guys over in the corner, away from the mob at the bulletin board. I dragged Asia over to them.

“Hey!” Austin said.

“Hi,” Asia responded. “Did you sign up yet?” He nodded.

“What do you play?” I asked him as Asia made her way over to the board.

“Soccer,” he answered. “Do you play a sport?”

Ruben had been listening in and laughed. “No way, we don’t have the money to pay for those medical bills!” I frowned at him and took the focus off me. Why did Austin need to know that athletic genes hadn’t been passed on to both twins? I already knew Ruben would try out for soccer. He was a swinger for the varsity team as a freshman back home.

“Are you a good soccer player?”


“Well, I already know Ruben can kick anyone’s ass in soccer,” I told him. “Which would mean I was referring to you.”

He gave me a bewildered look. “I’m... okay,” he said. Max cut in.

“Like hell he is. He was the only freshman on varsity last year!” I raised my eyebrows at Austin. Modest? Yes, yes he was.

“I made junior varsity last year!” Shane interrupted. “Did you know that?”

“Shane, when are you going to figure out that your not famous, and that not everyone knows everything about you?” Kai sighed. I laughed.

“Never?” I guessed and Shane pouted. I turned to Kai and Max. “What do you two play?”

“Football,” Kai grunted. I could’ve guess that from the strength he had used to pick me up yesterday. In fact, I would have been surprised if he’d answered any other way. Max looked embarrassed though.

“I didn’t actually try out last year. I was chicken kind of... I guess...” he trailed off.

“No,” I said. “I totally get it. Sports aren’t my thing either.” Asia was back, right behind me.

“My try outs are tomorrow at ten!” she announced.

Austin nodded. “Guys soccer is at eleven on the other field.”

“Football starts at ten too,” Kai told us. “D’you think Will is gonna be here by then? It would suck if he missed them.”

“He should be here today,” Austin said. “There was some mess up with the bus schedule I guess.” I was apparently out of the loop, and looked at Ruben and shrugged.

I turned to Max. “Looks like you and I are going to be spending some quality time together tomorrow,” I said. With everyone else gone for sports, he’d be the only one around.

He grinned at me. “Sure!” And for a split second when I turned, Austin looked uncomfortable.

“Um, let’s go back to the dorms or over to the fields or something,” he suggested. We all agreed and headed out back passed the A and B dorms.

We must’ve passed them on our way to check in the other night, but I hadn’t noticed. And yes, the hill we had walked up was less than a hundred yards off. Someone, probably a late arrival was walking up it with an escort. Austin noticed I was staring and looked in the same direction. His eyes lit up.

“Hey, Will’s here!” And he took off down the hill with Kai, Shane, and Max right behind him. Asia pulled on my hand.

“Come on, Sam,” she urged. With her free hand she grabbed Ruben’s and practically dragged us until we started running with her. I had so much momentum going I couldn’t stop and towards the bottom of the hill I crashed into Austin, who almost tipped over.

“Sorry,” I panted. “I couldn’t stop!” Someone was laughing behind Austin, a laugh I didn’t yet recognize. And if that guy wasn’t hot, I didn’t know what was. He had shaggy blond hair and green eyes. And a very, very white smile. I smiled back uncertain, then turned to Austin. “Were you planning to introduce us?” I asked.

“Oh yeah, Will this is Sam. And her brother Ruben. And this is Will.”

Will smiled again. “Hi, I’m Austin’s best friend. Sophomore.”

“Cool,” I said, groping for other words but not finding any. So I turned to Shane. “See, Shane, he doesn’t assume I know everything about him. Maybe you should pick up on a couple things,” I teased. Will laughed. Did I mention he had an amazing smile?
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Hey y'all... thanks for reading so far. I was thinking of posting the pictures I have of most of the characters so far... if you want them, shoot me a message by profile or comment and I'll post them up! Thanks! :-)