Sequel: Catch Me When I Fall
Status: Rewriting (o:

Sweep Me Off My Feet

Slowly Opened My Eyes

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a whole lot of white. I started to look around the hospital room and saw Joe sitting next to me, sleeping in a chair with my hand intertwined in his. He looked bad; his hair was unkept, his clothes were mismatched and wrinkled, and he had bags under his eyes. I got a few more looks at him before he, to, slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey, you're up." He smiled to me.

"Ha, ya. How long have I been here?" I asked.

"Like 7 hours.. you passed out a little after 3 and its almost 11:30..." He explained.

"Oh." I said and watched as he nodded his head. I looked around the room some more and saw a pile of balloons and stuffed animals and 'get well soon' cards. I smiled and started to giggle a little.

"Haha, ya.. from my family and your parents and Blair and others.." Joe said, laughing a little himself.

"That was nice of them" I said, making myself comfy on the hospital bed.

"Yup, and also-" He managed to say before the doctor came in and started talking to me.

"Well, Ms. Matthews, the tests came back positive." The doctor said to me, looking over his papers on his clipboard.

"What tests?" I said looking over at Joe. He averted his eyes to the ground to avoid eye contact. He obviously already knew.

"What tests?" I asked again in a shaky voice. My breathing was getting heavier and I was becoming dizzy. If no one told me soon, I'd explode.

"Uhmm, Taryn," Joe started saying. "You're uhmm pregnant."
♠ ♠ ♠
gasp! haha.
a few people who commented guessed it; she is pregnant.
comments make my fingers type.