Sequel: Catch Me When I Fall
Status: Rewriting (o:

Sweep Me Off My Feet

Give It More Time

In the time I had that I wasn't getting ready, I laid on my bed, staring at my ceiling. I was thinking about everything, still, but I knew that it wouldn't change anything. I hadn't believed that it had only been less than a month and a half since I'd met Joe.

May 28th. That was the day I read the article, the day I threw a fit, the day the Jonas' came to live with us temporarily, then day we first kissed, the day Joe proposed to me only after knowing me for a few short hours...

Thinking of all of this just brought tears to my eyes, and soon the small tears brought hysterics, with my whimpers and sobs ripping through the air loudly. Soon enough, Nick was in the room, holding me against his chest.

"You're really missing him, aren't you, Taryn?" He asked as he tried to soothe me, rubbing his hands along my hair and whispering little words of encouragement to me.

"Y-y-yes!" I screamed, and my jaw popped open because that was my heart that was actually talking.

It wasn't the protective shell I had built so that no one would see trough me, and know that I was a wreck without him. I wasn't use to being so vulnerable. Before Joe, I had been the girl who was popular, but tough at the same time and the girl who had a jock for a boyfriend, but didn't need his protection. Then, Joe came, and my whole structure I had built and spent years working to complete collapsed.

"Taryn, just talk to him," Nick whispered to me, still trying to calm me down. I was still crying, but my tearing sobs had stopped. Now all I had were silent tears running down my cheeks quickly, and getting Nick's shirt damp. I felt bad for putting Nick through all of this; my crying over Joe, and him always being the only one to comfort me. But, I knew now that Nick had thought of me as a sister or a best friend, and I knew for sure that he'd do that for one of his best friends, no matter how big the problems were.

I rubbed my hands against my eyes, wiping away my tears, and looked up at Nick. He smiled slightly at me, and I gave a small smile back.

"Are you going to talk to Joe yet?" Nick asked me.

"I'm going to give it more time. Just to be safe. And to be sure that this is really what I want," I whispered, though I knew that this what I wanted. I wanted Joe. Nothing but Joe.

"Okay, that sounds fine Taryn," Nick said, and re-situated himself to get more comfortable.

We were laying down on my bed, Nick holding me, making sure I wouldn't start crying again. Then, my mother called down that it was time to leave for the restaurant. We slowly got up and I checked a mirror, making sure I looked decent, and that you couldn't tell I was crying.

We walked down stairs, Nick behind me, and saw everyone gathered by the door in the family room. I looked from person to person, then all looking at me with sympathetic glances.

'I wonder if they heard me crying,' I thought to myself as I put my shoes on.

As I was finding my last flip flop, everyone started to walk past me and out to the two cars we were taking. When Joe passed me, he passed me a folded up note like a school boy would do with his crush from class.

I picked up the note and stuffed it in my pocket, saving it for later. Only Nick had seen this action, but he was just as surprised from it as I was.

"You okay?" He asked me.

"Ya, I'm fine," I whispered and looked at him with a smile.

If only I'd be able to say that in ten minutes after I read this note...
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm back (:
I've officially never left; I would be reading story updates and thinking about new chapters for all of my stories, but I am now back writing.
And, in my mind, this isn't one of my best updates I realize, but I was torn between two different choices of a decision made in this chapter...
Hope you liked it though (:
Comments and I'll write again soon enough!

Love, Bre (: