Leaning Into the Breeze

Swept Up In The Fashion Of The Moment

Olivia Bliss rushed across the busy intersection of Broadway Blvd. and Third Avenue, holding a large black umbrella with a classic wooden handle over her head, as to not get her Cali-style caramel coloured hair wet. Gracefully maneuvering her Mary Jane clad feet around the occasional puddle, she reached the other side of the street.

Holding out her hand to hail a taxi, she absently fiddled with her too big Truly Madly Deeply Buffalo Plaid V Neck Tunic which she wore over rubber leggings and brown Saxon square toe Oxford's.

Olivia hummed to herself as she opened the door to the cab that had just pulled up and got in.

"West Huston Street, please," she said in a charming British accent, "and quickly," she added.

Olivia Kerensa Bliss was born in London England in 1990, but moved to New York with her mother after he parents broke up at the age of ten. Her life in New York was such a change from her old one in England. Her mother's boyfriend of the last nine years was very high in the city's social ranks; someone you may call a socialite. She could have anything she wanted, only if she asked; but she didn't. Olivia was the kind of girl who liked to work for what she got; she rebelled against her high status upbringing, but only to a certain extent. She wasn't like go get piercings and drop out of school rebel. She didn't want the same life as her mother. Sure, she was passionate about fashion, like any typical social, but her liking for it went a bit deeper then just buying the latest Zac Posen line.

As the taxi drove down New York's streets Olivia pulled out her iPhone and plugged herself in. She pumped the volume on some Justice as she checked her messages. One of which was from a colleague at People's Revolution, Ashleigh.

"Olivia! Mrs. Cutrone needs you to call her - ASAP!" said the girlish voice on the speaker of her phone.

Putting her music on pause Olivia called her top-boss, Kelly Cutrone, at her office in Los Angeles.


"Yes, hi Kelly. It's Olivia Bliss calling."

"I know who you are. Olivia, now, as you know, Paris Fashion week is coming up soon and I am needing someone to go over to represent us. Normally, I would go, however, I am extremely busy. I would like you to go over to Paris to represent People's Revolution"

"Oh! Are you sure that you want me?" said Olivia, astounded that at her mere age of nineteen she would be representing her company

"Olivia, you are an excellent worker and you know your stuff."

"Thank you, Kelly, it would be an honor!"

"So that is a yes I take it?"

"When do I leave?" I laughed before we said goodbye and hung up.

I turned my music back on and smiled childishly all the way back to my apartment.
♠ ♠ ♠
You're giving me such a rush