Leaning Into the Breeze

Let's Spend The Night Together

Jack woke up early in the morning and turned over to face Olivia, only to find she wasn’t there.

“Olivia?” Jack walked out from the guest room and into the main room of the apartment. There Olivia was, sitting by the counter writing away on a note sized piece of paper. “Whatcha’ doing?” He dangled his arms over Olivia’s shoulders and kissed the top of her head.

“Oh,” Olivia gasped, surprised. She quickly folded her papers and stuffed them into her bag, which sat on the stool next to her. “Good morning to you, too,” spinning around to give Jack a proper kiss.

“What are we doing today?” Jack nuzzled her neck, still wondering what Olivia was writing.

“Well, I think first we should figure out what we are looking for. Jack? Are you serious about living with me in New York.”

Jack looked Olivia in her eyes and ran his hand through her caramel hair. “Olivia. I’ve never been so sure about something in my life.” He smiled and kissed her, sucking her bottom lip tenderly into his mouth.

“So, as you can see, this room has a simply amazing view of the downtown core.” The woman showing Olivia and Jack the apartment droned on.

They had been apartment hunting all day, with no luck. Every place they had checked out just didn’t have that vibe you get when you know the place is right - when you can see yourself living there.

Olivia slumped on Jack’s shoulder, exhausted from an entire day of looking at possible living spaces. “Jack, I think that maybe we should give up for the day and then continue tomorrow,” she whispered to him as the Realtor continued on about the quality of the window frames, or something of equal unimportance.

“No, no. We only have one more place. Let’s just give it a shot,” Jack insisted.

“Fine, but if it’s a dud, you’re not gettin’ any tonight.” Olivia whispered playfully back.

“So!” sighed the Realtor, “what do you think?” She, too, seemed tired of showing them apartments all day.

“Um, sorry,” Jack replied, reluctantly, “we just aren’t feeling it. Tell you what, can you just let us have a quick look at the last place? My, um, a, friend, and I are getting a bit tired.”

She had an expression on her face that one might even call relief. “Oh! Of course. I’ll just unlock it and leave you two to look around. Just holler if you need any help.”

Jack and Olivia stepped into the new apartment, immediately knowing that it was the one. It was open-concept, like Olivia’s mother, only more light and airy. The windows were floor to ceiling and a balcony stretched along the outside of an entire wall.

“Well?” Olivia positively glowed as she asked Jack what he thought of the place, though she already knew his answer. She turned her head to look at him; Jack had the goofiest smile plastered across his face, displaying that he too could see himself and Olivia living together there.

“Well,” Jack lead Olivia out onto the balcony and took in the view before pulling her into his arms. “Well,” he repeated, “I think I’m gonna’ be gettin’ laid pretty hard tonight.”
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Whatchamacallit is a word?!?!?!?

and that's right
the title is from a Vengaboys song
it's the only one I could think of
so deal
plus We Like To Party is by them and the maine sings that all the time