Leaning Into the Breeze

She Won't Stop Making The Crowds Gaze

The entire plane ride over to Paris Olivia thought of nothing but Jack. When can I see him again? Will he really wait for me, or will he move on? Does he even remember who I am? Though Olivia and Jack had felt an obvious chemistry between them, what if it was something brought on from the mixture of sweat and alcohol that had been polluting the air.

Once Olivia set foot on Parisian ground she was in shock. It was so beautiful, much more then she had expected. I was still spring, so trees lining the street were still in full bloom - filling the air with a sweet nectar scent. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all. With a new spring in her step Olivia walked out of the airport lobby and into the bustling streets of Paris.

Pulling out her phone, she found a map to her hotel and hailed a taxi.

“Taxi! Taxi!” waving her hand in the air.

“Oui, mademoiselle?” asked the driver who had pulled over.

“Je voudrais aller ici, s'il vous plaîtt” pointing to the spot on the map in her phone, “très vite, aussi!” Olivia added.

"Oui, Mademoiselle, j'irai aussi vite que je peux." With a nod of his head, the cab driving pushed down on the gas and speeded down the street to Olivia’s hotel. She stared out the window, letting her eyelids fall and images of Jack replace the blossoming trees.


“Damn, but John, I really like her. I know it’s weird, I’m even freaked out by it,” leaning onto John’s chest and draping my arms on his shoulders. “What do I do?” I asked, aggravated.

“Well, man, first things first. I’m not Alex! Get off of me, man!” laughing, John pushed me off of him by my shoulders. “Just wait until she gets back. Call her at the beginning of next week. Just chill, if it’s meant to be, it’ll work.”

“Auuuuggghhh!” pulling my hair and fell over onto the nearby couch and pulled my iPod out of my pocket. I blasted some Something Corporate into my head to hopefully make this stress go away. This wasn’t just a drunk night of dancing - I thought - and hoped that Olivia thought the same.


Olivia’s trip in Paris flew by. She was either networking, hoping that she was representing People’s Revolution in the best way possible, or she was rushing around backstage at fashion shows tucking, spraying and brushing models to make sure they looked their best before they walked out on the cat walk.

Due to the fast pace of her week, Olivia had neglected to eat very much. Usually she was up at ten, grabbed a water bottle and headed out for a days work. Arriving back at her hotel room around one in the morning after some clubbing with a couple of model friends she had made, Olivia was too tired to make sure she got something of substance into her. Scoffing down a bagel or some fruit was all she could manage before collapsing onto her bed and drifting off into a deep sleep.

It was the day after Paris Fashion Week had ended and Olivia had a couple of hours to blow before her plane took off. She decided to do some shopping with Jenavive, one of the models from the first show Olivia worked at.

“Hey, lets stop in here. The clothes on those mannequins look real cute.” suggested Jenavive.

“Sure, Jena. But can we sit down for a minute first? I’m feeling a bit dizzy.” Sitting on the edge of a water pond, Olivia pulled out her iPhone to check her face on the shiny part on the back.

“Are you feeling alright?” Placing her hand on Olivia’s back to hold her up for support when Olivia had put down her phone from her face and held onto her head.

“Yea. I’ve just got a headache.”

“Hold on there, hun, I think I’ve got some aspirin or something in my bag.” turning to reach into her purse for the pills, Jenavive took her hand off of Olivia’s back. Clearly, Jena’s hand was all that was holding Olivia up, because she proceeded to fall into the fountain, phone and all.

“Oh my gosh, Olivia!” shrieked Jena, holding out her hand to pull Olivia out, soaking wet.

“Jena, my phone!” Olivia fiddled with her phone, trying to get it to work.

“Never mind your phone, you can get a new one. We need to get you some food and new clothes.”

“Asprin first please?”

“Here. Lets go”

Jenavive and Olivia walked out of the mall, Olivia dripping wet. They headed over to the venue which was still up from Fashion Week. They sought out one of the medical people there, hoping to get some explanation as to what was wrong with Olivia. Once they found one, he examined Olivia while Jenavive went to get her some dry clothes.

“Well, doc, what’s the verdict?”

“How much have you been eating lately?”

“Not to much, now that I think about it. I’ve been so busy this past week.”

“Well, don’t make it a habit. Once you get back to America make sure to start on a healthy diet again. Get some fat on those bones.”

Olivia looked down at her arms and legs, pinching her stomach. Her thighs no longer brushed together at the top and her arms looked like chicken legs. She shifted herself on her chair, noticing the aching pain that she could only assume was brought on from her tail bone pushing against her skin. I guess that I have dropped some weight noting to immediately return to her normal diet once she got home.

“So, what did the doctor say?” Jenavive asked as she passed Olivia some dry clothes and the two girls walked over to a corner.

“Well,” pulling off her shirt and putting on a dry one, “he said it’s from malnutrition. I guess that I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t been eating much. And that combined with being to physically active all day just wore my body out.”

“Yea, I’ve noticed that you’ve dropped a few pounds since I met you.” looking concerned.

“You’ve one to talk!”

“Shut up!” the two girls laughed as they walked away from the venue back to the hotel for Olivia to get her things and catch the flight home.

Just as Olivia was kissing Jena goodbye a thought crossed through her mind. My phone. It doesn’t work. Jack can’t call me.
♠ ♠ ♠
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:P even just a few would enourage me to post more, since I actually have up to chapter 6 done.
:O that's right. chapter 6.