Leaning Into the Breeze

I Can't Stand To Not Be By Your Side

The previous day..
Phone conversation between John and Jack

“Man, she’s stressing over you. You guys need to work something out; I can’t stand to see her like this, so frail and small.”

“I know. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to see her at 930 with Nick? I thought I was going to eat someone’s head.”

“I noticed. I’m going to get her out of here. Someplace. So, hopefully she’ll meet up with you.”

“Yea,” said Jack, a plan forming in his head, “she will. Don’t worry.”


The door to Jack’s empty hotel room slammed open, two people stumbling through it. It was a ignominious room - the walls were a simple beige with a bed in the middle of the room bedded in white flannel sheets and a duvet. A TV was set directly across from it on the opposing wall, with a tiny table; which was polluted with beer and vodka bottles; was set in the corner.

Jack and Olivia faltered over to the bed, Jack tugging at Olivia’s tunic while populating her neck with tiny kisses. Olivia tugged back at Jack’s, managing to pull off his orange T shirt.

“Jack,” Olivia groaned, the first to pull away. She stroked his cheek with the back of her hand before running her fingers through his hair.

“Babe,” Jack sighed back, “you have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.” He returned to Olivia’s neck, leaving her smiling with the knowledge that Jack wanted the same thing.

Jack brought his face up from Olivia’s neck, beaming. She allowed her eyes to flutter shut when she felt Jack’s warm lips caressing hers; she kissed back, biting his bottom lip.

Olivia let out a moan, her entire body going limp, letting Jack pull off her thin tunic, exposing her thinning and frail body. Jack placed his hand on her back, gently guiding her down to the floor, Olivia grazing his collarbone and neck, her hands struggling with the buttons on his pants. Jack propped himself up with his forearms, on top of Olivia. They looked at each other, both crying.

Jack looked off to the side, shaking his head.

“What’s wrong?”

Jack smiled back, “I never thought this would happen.”

“Well, hot stuff,” Olivia replied in a cocky tone, “it is,” causing Jack to smile despite his overwhelming bewilderment. She had finally managed to unbuckle his pants, which were now around his ankles.

Jack pulled off Olivia’s jeans; loose from her recent weight loss, they slipped down her legs without any resistance. She kicked them off of he ankles, her skin and bones now digging into Jack’s soft body. He ran his hand up and down her back a several times before unclasping her lacy red bra. Olivia drew in a quick, sharp breath when she felt Jack’s cold hand press against her chest.

Jack rolled over; holding Olivia now on top of him. She pulled her head down close to his, enveloping his lips in hers, allowing his tongue to explore her mouth, and his hands to explore her body.

He cupped Olivia’s small body in his arms, and carried her over to the hotel bed He pulled back the sheets, placing her on the mattress, Jack fixing himself on top of her while reaching into the bedside table drawer; pulling out a condom.

Jack pushed himself inside Olivia as she let out a gasp of air.

“I’ve been waiting for that.” Jack whispered into Olivia’s ear after all was said and done.

“Me too, hun. Me too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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