Leaning Into the Breeze

And Now We're Bathing In The Afterglow

Olivia slept restlessly that night. She tossed and turned in her sleep with the thought of what she had just done.

Olivia, she dreamed, why would you do this to me? How how? Why why?

I don’t know Nick, Olivia answered back still dreaming. I don’t know

Olivia twisted in her bed sheets beside Jack, watching the image of Nick jump off of a cliff haunt her hellish dream.

“Olivia!” She woke with a start to Jack shaking her anaemic shoulders.

“W-what?” Olivia asked, still dazed from her sleep and overwhelmed from her brains distorted subconscious. “Jack,” Olivia allowed herself to fall into his warm body, lying beside her.

“Shh,” Jack rubbed her bare back, attempting to comfort her when she broke out into convulsing sobs.

Olivia broke down and told Jack everything. All that had happened in her dream, and most importantly how she felt about Nick.

“Do you want to go back to him?”

Olivia responded with a dumbfounded look. “No.” She let out a sigh and a little laugh, “I want to be with you! Did you think that what I said last night was complete rubbish or something?”

“Well, I don’t know. Maybe you were ‘caught up in the moment.’” Quoting the latter most with his hands.

“Why are we even having his conversation. Let’s just. . .go back bed.” She concluded with a nod before kissing Jack sweetly and laying her head back down.

She soon heard heaving breathing coming from the other side of the bed, yet Olivia was still not asleep. She lay, looking up at the cracking ceiling, wondering what would make this throbbing pain go away. It wasn’t and physical damage, but a confused emotional one.

Olivia sat up, rubbing her eyes with her hands. She grabbed her bra and underwear which were lying on the floor beside her, and put them back one. Getting out of bed, Olivia walked around the room, rubbing her arms to keep warm.

She took a seat at the little table in the corner, drumming her fingers silently. Her eyes wondered over suitcase, originally meant to fly to New York. Olivia taped both her hands on the fauz-wooden table before staggering over to it, pulling out the only thing in the world she knew would take her misery away.

Olivia clasped a box labelled ‘Attachments’ in her hand and wandered back to her previous position by the table.

She opened it up and stared at it for a while; it had been a few years since she’d needed this, but had snuck it in her suitcase anyways. The last time Olivia had relied on this was before she even started with People’s Revolution; way back when she still lived with her mother and her zany boyfriend, abiding by the mindless New York socialite rules. Ever since then she’d been clean.

Her hand quivered a bit as she tied the rubber band around her arm. Once it was good and tight she filled the needle with a vile of liquid before interjecting it into her arm. Olivia was no amateur, however. She didn’t inject the fluid quite yet. Drawing the end of the needle back, Olivia drew blood out of her arm, pulled out the needle and let her blood mix with the drug before injecting the entire thing into her vein. Quickly dropping the needle out the window, she waited a few moments before untying the band around her arm; letting the smack take over her body.

Her head rolled back as she lay draped on the chair, the cool air of the hotel room not even generating bumps on her skin, instead a warm flush came over her body. Olivia’s eyes rolled lazily in their sockets as she fell into the nod, her brain and body welling up with euphoric ecstasy. Jack’s heavy breathing no longer heard in Olivia’s world. She sat their for hours; taking in and enjoying her felicitous state; a state she hadn’t been in since before moving to Arizona, it seemed.