Leaning Into the Breeze


Olivia’s eyes rolled open early that morning after her coma like sleep. Her gaze fell upon Jack, who was still sleeping at her side. Taking advantage of this, she meandered over to the table she had occupied the night prior and picked up her attachments box and the rubber strap still lying on the floor.

Lazy still in the afterglow, she went back over to the bed, unhooking her bra on the way over, leaving her body in it’s naked state; the way it had been when Jack saw her last. She crawled into their warm bed, snuggling up against Jack. Her vision, still hazy, was soon non existent as her eyelids fell heavier, eventually closing as she drifted back to sleep.

“Hey, sleepyhead,” a voice greeted Olivia as she woke, several hours later.

Jack greeted her with a sinfully soft and warm kiss; sending her stomach into a fit of butterflies.

“Why do you do that?” Olivia whispered into Jack’s ear in the midst of filling his neck with little bites and kisses.

“Do what?”

“Amaze me.”

Jack blushed, pulled Olivia’s head up so it was level with his, “I’ll stop,” he said in a serious tone, “if you stop first,” unable to help himself, Jack broke into a foolish grin, sending Olivia into a outbreak of laughter.

Her laughter, however, was quickly silenced when Jack occupied her lips with his; Olivia allowed the shivers down her back to take full control of her body, causing her to collapse in their bed. Jack laughed a her reaction, “hey, do you want anything for breakfast?”

“Nah, I’m good,” Olivia snuggled deep into the sheets, hoping that Jack then wouldn’t be able to hear the growls of her stomach. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to eat in fear that she’d get fat; it was that she didn’t think that, with all this stress, she’d be able to keep it down. “Just some water.”

“One vitamin water coming up.” Jack pulled on his jeans and a V neck before heading out the door, towards the restaurant downstairs.

While Jack was getting himself the food, Olivia got out of bed and dressed, stuffing all her clothes back into her suitcase.

“What’s the rush?” Jack questioned, holding a breakfast sandwich in one hand and Olivia’s water in the other. Olivia danced over to Jack, grabbed her vitamin water, took a sip and placed a juicy kiss on Jack’s cheek.

“Well, I figured we couldn’t stay here, in this dump. My original plan was to go to New York.”

“The windy pineapple, eh?”

“Hey,” Olivia playfully gave him a push, “that’s my hometown you’re talking about, buddy.”

“Soooo. . .are you asking me to go to New York with you?”

“Well,” she traced her finger along his chest, “John told me to get away from Arizona. And New York was the only place I know to go. I think I’ll move back there. Living in Arizona, as much as it was like a dream, just isn’t something I can handle - right now.” She let out a sad sigh, “maybe one day, though.”

“Olivia.” Jack paused, shook his head with a smile, “Okay! No, really, there is no way for me to possibly even start to describe how much I like you. It just blows my mind.”

“Oh, Jack.” She stroked his cheek, salty streams falling down her face.

“Hey. Stay right there,” Jack ran over to a corner where his clothes were piled up. He picked up an acoustic guitar, gave it a little strum as he sat down on the bed. He patted beside him, motioning for Olivia to join him.

“I just gotta tune it,” Jack said while he fiddled with the instrument.

“You make me weak
You make me love”

Jack sang,

“You make me what to scream your name at the top of my lungs
You make me shake
You rescue me
But most of all you make me

That song left Olivia speechless. Her mouth hung open, moving wordlessly. “Wh-wh-wha?” was all she could manage.

“You liked it?”

“Yes!” she finally managed to blurt out, “did you write it?”

“No, silly. It’s a new one from Austin Gibbs & The States. Complete.” Jack laid down his guitar and pulled Olivia in close, wrapped his arms around her and swayed back and forth.

“Play me the rest?” Olivia murmured.

“You make it hard to breath
With every step you take closer to me
I am cold with every touch
And I cant fall asleep
I cant stand to be without you
Now that you've figured out who i am
I cant stand to look into your eyes
Now that I realize

You make me weak
You make me love
You make me what to scream your name at the top of my lungs
You make me shake
You rescue me
But most of all you make me

I am drawing pictures in your hand
And being away from you is something I cant stand
I feel your breath upon my cheek
You my everything and my heart is yours to keep
I don’t have the strength to stay away
Because I am falling more in love with you
Each and everyday
I cant stand to not be by your side
Now that I realize

You make me weak
You make me love
You know I’ll stay with you forever
But that’s not enough”

The two looked at each other with a glazed over, love-struck look. The guitar tumbled silently to the floor as Jack and Olivia devolved together, whispering and touching each other until the sun started to fade from the sky.