Letter to Me

Sarah Carpenter

Agreeing to go shopping with mom instead of watching movies and eating popcorn with Jared in your bedroom, was a mistake.

“I'm sure Jared would like this.” Mom said smiling holding up a rose red lace thong.

I tried to return her smile, but the edges seemed to twitch with the falseness I was feeling. This was her first visit since the post card she sent last Christmas. Dad won't let her sleep in the house, I didn't even try suggesting that we just hang out at the house.

“Never mind.” her voice snapped, admittedly I felt guilty, she was trying right?

“Actually I think I'll get it, spice things up right?” I told her trying my smile again happy to find that the edges where not fake.

She smiled a secret smile no one deserves to see on their parent's face. And then looking away as if she just realized I was her daughter, not her younger sister or best friend, I was her daughter, the reality of this didn't stop her from looking the man that was passing the store window, up and down.

I sucked in my gag.

Her phone rang a rap song, I find this sad, my mother listens and keeps up with the newest music along with the ring tones that come along with it. She fishes it out of her pink purse, looking down on the caller ID and as quickly as the look that came over her face of excitement of the call, it went away as she pressed ignore.

“Who was that?” I asked curiously glancing over at her from the rack of T-shirts I was browsing.

“Hmmm? No one important.”Her voice was off, her usually happy tone was gone. I looked up surprised but her face was blank.

“How was shopping?” Dad asked poking his head into my room, his face showed interest but I didn't miss the how he didn't mention mom.

“It was....good.” I said nodding as I returned to folding my clothes.

“I'm glad, Jared called, he asked you to call him back he mentioned something about dinner with you and...” I looked up waiting for him to say her name, “Well goodnight sweetheart.”

“Night...dad.” He was gone before I could say dad.

My phone was ringing from somewhere deep in my purse. Looking around the movie theater where I sat alone I watched to see if anyone noticed the faint ring. No one showed any comprehension, I brought it up to the top of my purse and looked to see who it was.

Brad Davis.